Yes, I can't wait to see these guys face someone in combat. They all think they are top notch, but the noble/navy-man is not going to enjoy the fire-fights. Let's see where those +15,+16,+17 skills for liason and gather info with all those connections and joat feats are going to help them against a pair of gauss rifles.
Then again, I was looking further at the D&D DMG and PHB a bit and I think the DC's are in some cases scaled to the levels. I think the D20 guideline for Varying Degrees of Success is more important in a game like T20. This stresses that +10 over dc is a greater success and +20 is perfect ... I think this kind of rule needs to be used more in addition to the dc modifiers. This means that a +15 dc would need a 35 for a perfect success, difficult even for these guys.
But all in all, I say bring on the big iron and scare them all right out of thier britches.
Ciao - SuperStar DJ Papa Smurf
Then again, I was looking further at the D&D DMG and PHB a bit and I think the DC's are in some cases scaled to the levels. I think the D20 guideline for Varying Degrees of Success is more important in a game like T20. This stresses that +10 over dc is a greater success and +20 is perfect ... I think this kind of rule needs to be used more in addition to the dc modifiers. This means that a +15 dc would need a 35 for a perfect success, difficult even for these guys.
But all in all, I say bring on the big iron and scare them all right out of thier britches.
Ciao - SuperStar DJ Papa Smurf