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Found a couple fo apparent inconsistencies in the various skills during a character generation session.

1) Astrogation is listed as a skill in tis won right in the Merchant Class skills table on p.11. However, on p.20 it's described as a cascade skill from Technical, which seems to be the version used elsewhere. If that's correct, you can delete Astrogation from the class skills table, becuase it included in Technical (Any).

2) Piloting and Driving skills. The skill descriptions (p.15, 17) say you can get them only by first taking the appropriate Vehicle feat. This seems to have been changed to Vessel in the feat descriptions. (FWIW, I prefer Vehicle)

The Vessel feat implies that you can receive Pilot or Driving skills without taking the feat first. From p.27 "If the character does not already have at least a skill rank of 1 in Driving or Pilot ... he or she automatically gains the skill ... with a rank of 0." So does the fact that characters receive Pilot (Grav) as a Homeworld skill, without getting the Vessel (Grav) feat.

The descriptions of Driving and Pilot should state that one must specialize in a particular type of vehicle. I initially had the idea that you would use the same Pilot skill for any Vessel feat that uses Pilot. The fact that the character sheet does not include a space to record Pilot or Driving specializatiosns (preferably more than one of each) contributed to the confusion.

2a) More of a design issue and probably too late to change, but why require both a feat and a skill for Piloting and Driving? Seems to make these abilities very expensive.
I was just looking over the Pilot and Driving Skills too and they do seem jumbled.

In earlier drafts of the full book, there was one skill "Driving" and one skill "Pilot". You could use your Driving Skill on any ground vehicle you had the correct Feat for, and you could use your Pilot Skill on any air or space vessel you had the correct Feat for.

That still seems to be how it is worded for Pilot Skill and under the Vessel feat, but under Driving skill it now seems to say that you need separate "Driving, Wheeled", "Driving, Tracked" etc.

I think the single skill with multiple Feats for the equipment you are "qualified for" is better than a separate skill for each vehicle (unless you dumped the Vessel feats altogther)