My party of merc characters is on a long fat ticket serving as forward observers and scout/commando troops for some local army on Feri.
I've run a couple missions, but what it came to is just series of combat encounters in different terrains. I try to spice it up with having them make decisions where each option has different complications.
For example, they get to choose how they get from point A to point B during a city battle. If they go by the street, they can expect some enemy armor and barricades. If they go by the backyards, there will be close-quarters skirmishes. They can try to use the subway tunnels with some risk of getting lost.
A successful Recon roll reveals an enemy fortified position - they avoided blundering in and now have a choice to sidestep it and lose time, or call for support and break through, risking drawing more enemy attention to the area.
Alternatively, the party leader must choose who does what, and when. He may let one PC with a densitometer and a background in geodesy find the secret mining base in the mountains, or he may opt to capture an enemy patrol's officer for a PC with interrogation skills.
Thought I'd share this and ask for more ideas. Any typical war situations where a platoon commander must make a meaningful choice? Perhaps high TLs bring something new here that I didn't think of?
I've run a couple missions, but what it came to is just series of combat encounters in different terrains. I try to spice it up with having them make decisions where each option has different complications.
For example, they get to choose how they get from point A to point B during a city battle. If they go by the street, they can expect some enemy armor and barricades. If they go by the backyards, there will be close-quarters skirmishes. They can try to use the subway tunnels with some risk of getting lost.
A successful Recon roll reveals an enemy fortified position - they avoided blundering in and now have a choice to sidestep it and lose time, or call for support and break through, risking drawing more enemy attention to the area.
Alternatively, the party leader must choose who does what, and when. He may let one PC with a densitometer and a background in geodesy find the secret mining base in the mountains, or he may opt to capture an enemy patrol's officer for a PC with interrogation skills.
Thought I'd share this and ask for more ideas. Any typical war situations where a platoon commander must make a meaningful choice? Perhaps high TLs bring something new here that I didn't think of?
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