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Snapshot - rules rewrite

Hi folks,

recently I decided to rewrite the Snapshot rules to give them a more modern look and feel, updating the terminology a bit and stuff. The main topic is on Boardgamegeek, but will cross-post here as well.

Currently we are debating how the wounding dice work:

The rules as written say you assign the first wounding roll (First Blood) to a random characteristic - that is clear so far - and in that way you can (as a surprise hit) incapacitate or even kill a character.

However the other wounding dice (if there are more than 1 for the given weapon) pose a question... the rules do not specifically say they should be again assigned randomly, it rather feels like the defender chooses where each die is assigned. Also, should they be rolled one-by-one and after each roll the defender should assign the die, before seeing the next one?

How do you play your games in Snapshot in terms of assigning wounds?

Is there any official clarification on this?
Well you can always go back to the source, LBB 1, but it's not specific either.

However it's clarified in the Traveller Book:

The wounded player may decide which physical characteristic receives specific wound points in order to avoid or delay unconsciousness for as long as possible.

Mind, that's always how I've interpreted it anyway.
Thx! Found it in the Traveller Book. The LBB indeed did not specify any details, the rules for that were copied verbatim into Snapshot it seems.
Hi folks,

recently I decided to rewrite the Snapshot rules to give them a more modern look and feel, updating the terminology a bit and stuff. The main topic is on Boardgamegeek, but will cross-post here as well.
Ok, just a note. At Close Quarters is a BiTS rewrite of Snapshot. You also might want to Look at Azanti High Lighting.

As for damage issues it really depends on which mechanic you as a group choose to use.

This is Traveller so everybody's game is different.

As such I am currently using a modified version of the AHL/Striker Penetration and damage system.
Ok, just a note. At Close Quarters is a BiTS rewrite of Snapshot. You also might want to Look at Azanti High Lighting.

As for damage issues it really depends on which mechanic you as a group choose to use.

This is Traveller so everybody's game is different.

As such I am currently using a modified version of the AHL/Striker Penetration and damage system.
My aim is to rewrite the original Snapshot rules, thus retaining the spirit of the rules (just changing the wording). Therefore I want to stay firm in regards of the meaning of the rulings therein, not adding any house rules or some such.

At Close Quarters is a much more involved game (and to be frank not what I like much).

AHL is a next step up from Snapshot and I might look at that later, as 95% of that is Snapshot rules anyway. We shall see.
My aim is to rewrite the original Snapshot rules, thus retaining the spirit of the rules (just changing the wording). Therefore I want to stay firm in regards of the meaning of the rulings therein, not adding any house rules or some such.
Cool. Any suggestions from me are just ideas, or examples of what I have done.

At Close Quarters is a much more involved game (and to be frank not what I like much).

Ok, to be honest all I took from that rule set was changing AP to Dex+Int....

AHL is a next step up from Snapshot and I might look at that later, as 95% of that is Snapshot rules anyway. We shall see.

Short answer on that from me; I take the AP total and divided it by 5 to get the number of different actions a character can take in a turn. (AHL's turn has 5 phases, in the core game you have to choose one of 4 defined actions per turn.)

But, I have been toying with going back to something closer to Snapshot recently. Been playing a bunch of Fallout, and pondering toying with AP cost per. shot based on weapon weight and recoil. Then discussing Cyberpunky things with my Boy, I went looked at the drug rules i.e. Slow, which basically doubles the number of APs in a turn, going from there to things like Wired Reflexes which expend End point for extra AP. (Note these are thought experiments right now, but I may inflict them on the Boy and his friends in the near future.