I've discovered I have a policy. It's evolved over time but here it is:
Generally I try to answer questions. If, however, I find the question high-handed, canonista-inquisitorial or phrased in such a way that suggests hatred of a concept that I'm working with, or worst of all, written in such a way that it feels like someone is demanding that I answer for my actions, well, I don't answer.
I'm working with the Traveller cannon here. Whatever your personal axes may be regarding that cannon, if you grind them in front of me I tend to get all uncooperative.
That's been illustrated on certain mailing lists quite recently.
So, if there is something you want to know about the TNE or general OTU setting, do please ask. But keep it neutral, or I'll just ignore the question like I have in a certain other thread on this board.