Then there is "What is my DM based on? I'm docking a ship with a dead computer. Normally, docking is a no-brainer. But doing it manually... Do I get my DM from my INT, or a DM from my Pilot skill, or can I still get a DM from my computer skill even though the computer is dead, or is there a STR DM since my power steering is out, or maybe I can get some DEX DM to use because it's hard to tell what my speed is, or is that an EDU DM for guessing my speed?
A CT ref will think of a house rule value and say "roll". A MgT ref will listen to player ideas from the core rules and choose one or go with his/her own value and say "roll".
A CT ref will think of a house rule value and say "roll". A MgT ref will listen to player ideas from the core rules and choose one or go with his/her own value and say "roll".
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