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Solomani Campaign, CT era


I've always run my games (CT) in the Spinward Marches. For a change, I'm considering a game in the Solomani/Imperium border area. IMTU I accept the FFW, but don't go for any Emperor assassinations. The Imperium ain't gonna fold. What would you suggest as reading material to prep for a game in the Solomani region in that era? Thanks!
I've always run my games (CT) in the Spinward Marches. For a change, I'm considering a game in the Solomani/Imperium border area. IMTU I accept the FFW, but don't go for any Emperor assassinations. The Imperium ain't gonna fold. What would you suggest as reading material to prep for a game in the Solomani region in that era? Thanks!

GURPS Traveller: Rim of Fire
Setting Sourcebook for Solomani Rim Sector set in non-Assassination/Rebellion alternate timeline in year 1120.
Ah yes, I have the Gurps CD-Roms. In your opinion, how does Rim of Fire compare with Alien Module 6 for CT? Just more detail? Any contradictions or changes in depictions? Is everything (basically) from AM6 covered in RoF? Trying to keep my reading time to manageable levels. ;-)
I'd suggest you to also read, if you can, MT:S&A. Even if you don't use MT setting (Rebellion), I like the hindsight it gives over the Solomani (and the Aslan part is quite nice too, but that's for another discussion...).
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Ah yes, I have the Gurps CD-Roms. In your opinion, how does Rim of Fire compare with Alien Module 6 for CT? Just more detail? Any contradictions or changes in depictions? Is everything (basically) from AM6 covered in RoF? Trying to keep my reading time to manageable levels. ;-)

Rim of Fire has a lot more detail than AM6. I do not recall any specific contradictions off the top of my head, though the timelines will begin to slightly diverge in the 1113-1116 period. Possibly (in reference to MT: Solomani & Aslan below) there is less emphasis on the "Confederation" character of the Solomani polity. I think Solomani & Aslan builds up the idea of the "sub-polities" within the confederation more than Rim of Fire.

I'd siggest you to also read, if you can, MT:S&A. Even if you don't use MT setting (Rebellion), I like the hindsight it gives over the Solomani (and the Aslan part is quite nice too, but that's for another discussion...).

I will second that. If you can get your hands on a copy of MT: Solomani & Aslan, it is worth its weight in gold. You will just have to read carefully in order to "edit-out" any of the material that is unique to the Rebellion timeline.
Do not forget:
Mongoose Alien Module 5: Solomani. It is set in 1105 Pre-Rebellion OTU as well. It has has more direct details about how it is to live in the Confederation and has
-Chargen for Dolphins and Uplifted Apes
-Important details for Travellers like the fact that a ship is considered sovereign territory of the faction it is registered under and the starport is owned by local government completely. The makes for interesting scenarios.
-The division of power between the factions and the "Central Government" and the two sets of armed forces.
-How "indigenes" are treated vs. Major Races vs. Natives (dolphins and apes)
-Alpha Crucis Sector detialed out

Mongoose Solomani Rim has besides it do up of the region
-Vegan Character generation
-Vegan Word Generation

The Mongoose books you will find some contradicts between it and Rim of Fire because of the years difference and OTU vs ATU. Most of the rest is nuances.
The big metaplot difference is Project Phoenix. Mongoose makes it a thing waiting to happen. Or not. Yes, yes, the stockpiles on Terra were found, and leaders executed sure but they were meant to be found.
What has not been found are the second set (the first were patsies) :eek: and the 3 sleeper CruRons and 4 SDB wings the Confederation has been slowly putting into the Kuiper and asteroid belts one at a time since the armistice. The CruRons are asteroid configuration, mostly powered down with crews in low berths, except waiting for a signal that Terra might be taken which of course in the ATU never happens.

But since my favorite aliens are the Solomani...:cool: :devil:
No, not by itself. For the metaplot, The text goes on to require that a fleet jump in and PERHAPS some event like a major disruption in the Imperium preventing full attention. What is unstated. For us pldsters, it's probably Rebellion.

The idea is that the Imoerium has planned for KNOWN fleet concentrations and expected a guerrilla uprising. Thus the patsies. So when the Confederation do it they will be ahead 3+ squadrons with prepositioned supplies. There is also Solomani ship design which there states that the Confederation builds big ships and little, but few in between ships. So the CruRons most likely are TL D/E(or F maybe (?)) armored Buffered Planetoid at the top of displacement to still be called a CruRon. Oh and they still do fixed mounts for alpha-strikes so Solomani small ships are more annoying than Imperial ones.

Adventures in this vein revolve discovering or maintaining the secret,