I suppose it might come in handy for very small ship where every ton counts. But, yes, considering you're limited to saving one dton per 100 dtons of ship, that's not really worth the trade-off.Originally posted by Randy Tyler:
Adding fixed mounts is really of no benefit considering the -2 to hit.
I can feel a house rule coming on. Two fixed weapons, no tonnage, no negative DM. No point in having an option which is not going to get used ...
This could be a viable option for energy weapons, as they're limited to 2 per turret anyway. Or missile ships, which can use the extra magazine space and don't really need to point at their target to launch. [/QB][/QUOTE]
I don’t mean to sound like a commercial for Steve Jackson, but I did buy the GURPS rules before the T20 rules. GURPS addresses a few "mounting" options. Hull mounted and fixed are two options besides a turret. Hull mounted allows a gun to swivel within a 90 degree arch (or 45, I can't remember). You can liken it to a chin turret on a B-17G, or old gun emplacement partially buried. A fixed gun is the same as the Solomani gun discussed in this thread. Just like the Vulcan cannon on any of our current fighter planes. There are a lot of variants people bring into T20 from CT, MT, TNE, etc... and I do the same with GT.
Jak Naz