Sorry, don't have any Vista loads, but it might assist any others helping if you specify what version of Vista - i.e Home 64-bit, Pro 32-bit, etc.
Also, assume you have tried the 'standard' stuff:
- Running as 'compatible' for XP, etc. (via Rt click)
- Run as Administrator (Via Rt Click)
- Reduced/Disabled UAC ('security' concerns aside)
- Disable RT scanning of anti-virus during install and while running (ditto 'security')
- Installed in its own directory at the root of a drive
DLL dependencies or third-party libraries and apps may require like treatment and placement in startup directory.
Hidden from the user are also .pif settings and 'compatibility' flags (both of which may be indirectly changed with the Rt. Click settings) - there are MS whitepapers covering these and a few other things.
Good luck - aside from system tool programs, and 32 vs 64-bit plug-ins, I've yet to find a program that couldn't be made to work natively in a newer version of Windows (since Win 2.1) - but that didn't mean it was easy (Vendors and others have often proclaimed it was 'impossible'...).
Barring running natively, running it in a VM (Virtual Machine - numerous are available for free), or remotely on another box, may also be a solution to your 'need it portable' challenge.