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Something new with T5 release ?!?!?!

Originally posted by Aramis:
As I said before, albeit les clearly, the mislabelling was a typo caused by exhaustion and homelife stress (my wife faces losing her vision... we found out this week).

On the T5.com boards is a fuller version. Including mishaps.

Yes. It was intended to re4vise to align with T4 and T5 tasks. THat's the whole point.

ok, sorry not making myself very clear.

The T5 task difficulty matrix is this:

Difficulty Level Dice Code
Easy (usually automatic)
Easy (with Default skill) 1D
Average 2D
Difficult 3D
Formidable 4D
Staggering 5D
Hopeless 6D
Impossible 7D

This out of page 38 from the skills/tasks pdf.

Your matrix is the following:

Auto 2+ (-)
Routine 6+ (0)
Moderate 10+ (1)
Difficult 14+ (2)
Formidable 18+ (4)
Staggering 22+ (
Improbable 26+ (16)

The don't exactly line up one by one is all I was saying.

How would you suggest lining up the difficulty labels to match your intent?

For example Routine does it align to Easy (with Default Skill) or Average?

Or if Staggering aligns to Staggering in the T5 system what happens to Hopeless? etc...

Sorry to hear about your wife.

It is tough when people who only really know each other through a hobby try to express heartfelt concern.

My discussions with you on this board have been stimulating and I respect that alot and I am sorry to hear about this going on in your life. Best of luck sir for yourself and of course most of all for your wife.
It really aligns more to megatraveller and T4... But anyway. Routine and easy are esentially lined up. Hopeless is improbable. got as far on the T5 draft task system to notice the recycle of muliple dice before I tossed it in disgust.

I worked from the T4 list of labels (with a transcription error: Form/Stag) which lacks hopeless. If you really want true T4 alignment, then increase allowed DM to +12, rename improbable to hopeless, and add "Impossible" at 30+ (24). BTW, the parents are solely for denoting skill level needed for casual and other wierd task types. The missing number from your quote is an 8, caused by a smily token of 8 right-parenth.
Aramis explained:
If you really want true T4 alignment, then increase allowed DM to +12
30+ is impossible, unless you use an "18 is always a success" rule or allow situational or tool use modifiers beyond the +10 or +12 maximum.