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Space - INDEX Thread


Maps and descriptions of Known Space.

This is an INDEX thread.

Posters should--

(A) Reference CT Magazines and Sources appropriate to the header.

(B) Share original CT work appropriate to the header.

(C) Provide links to useful threads in the CT forum appropriate to the header.

Please keep the material Classic Traveller oriented. For example, equipment from MegaTraveller would be appropriate because it is 100% compatible with Classic Traveller. But weapons from MT sources should not be cited as they do not include Classic Traveller stats.

Here are links to the other Classic Traveller Indexing threads:

RULES Meant for references and links to rules material and misc. articles.

WEAPONS Meant for weapons with Classic Traveller stats.

NPCs Meant for NPCs intended for use with Classic Traveller.

ANIMALS Meant for use with CT.

HIGH GUARD Meant for High Guard stats for large starships (typically not accompanied with deckplans).

VEHICLES Meant for CT designs of air, land, and sea vehicles.

ADVENTURE Meant for adventures for use with Classic Traveller.

SPACE Meant for world descriptions, subsectors, sectors, and political regions of space. Maps typically included.

ROBOTS Meant for CT robot designs.

DECKPLANS Meant for Classic Traveller starships with deckplans and CT stats.

CAREERS Meant for both Basic and Advanced CT CharGen.

EQUIPMENT Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

ALIENS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

DRUGS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.
Third Imperium is a Classic Traveller fanzine that is now available free on the net HERE.

Several issues of the magazine provides a look at the people and places of the Trojan Reaches sector.

Third Imperium #1

Trojan Reaches sector: Sindal subsector.

Third Imperium #2

Trojan Reaches sector: Tlaiowaha subsector.

Third Imperium #3

Trojan Reaches sector: Gazulin subsector.

Third Imperium #4

Trojan Reaches sector: Borderland subsector.

Third Imperium #5

Trojan Reaches sector: Tobia subsector.

Third Imperium #7

Trojan Reaches sector: Dpres subsector.

Third Imperium #8

Florian League

Trojan Reaches sector: Yggdrasil subsector.

Third Imperium #9

Trojan Reaches sector: Nora'a subsector.

Third Imperium #10

Glorious Empire

Trojan Reaches sector: Goertel subsector.

Third Imperium #11

Trojan Reaches sector: Menorial subsector.
Far Traveller is a Classic Traveller magazine that only ran for two issues. It was published by FASA. The two issues feature two subsectors in Reavers' Deep.

Far Traveller #1

Reavers' Deep sector: Ea subsector

Far Traveller #2

Ravers' Deep sector: Scotian Deep subsector
High Passage is another Classic Traveller magazine published by FASA. It ran for five issues, and people & places of the Old Expanses sector were focused on.

High Passage #1

Old Expanses sector: Dethenes subsector

High Passage #2

Old Expanses sector: So Skire subsector

High Passage #3

Old Expanses sector: Ile subsector
Old Expanses sector: Dethenes subsector

High Passage #4

Old Expanses sector: Ahrhi subsector

High Passage #5

Fisher's World, Shenk subsector of the Old Expanses

Squadrons of the Old Expanses

Old Expanses sector: Shenk subsector.
Vanguard Reaches

This is a supplement, not unlike Supplement 3 The Spinward Marches or Supplement 10 The Solomani Rim, published by Paranoia Press.

The focus, of course, is the Zhodani and their client states. The book has a Library section and an unconventional sector map. (This was published early in Traveller's history, in 1981.)

This is another sector information book similar to Vanguard Reaches, S3 The Spinward Marches, and S10 The Solomani Rim, published by Paranois Press.

The Beyond sector is beyond the Great Rift, just rimward of the Zhodani Consulate. In this book, you will find like information as you would for other sector books. This one, of course, is tailored to this section of space.

For example, some worlds may have Assassin's Institute (to go along with Paranoia's Scouts & Assassins book), or mercenary training areas, or even merchant academies as installations on the worlds.

World UWPs, subsector descriptions, Library Data, and a sector map all tie in to provide the ref a working knowledge of the sector.
Hydronaut published by Group One

Hydronaut is a game setting supplement, not unlike the GURPS Traveller Planetary Survey booklets (except, of course, Hydronaut is meant for a CT game). This one covers the world of Dagan.

Dagan is a real scifi setting. Not so long ago, a comet impacted on its surface resulting in cataclysmic damage. The GM can choose to set his game on Dagan in either pre or post cataclysm.

A large, full-color fold out map of the world is included, and much adventuring can take place in Dagan's ocean depths as well as on the large land mass.

Dagan has a strange, humanoid, indigenous race, called the Halkyons, and the supplement provides details for playing them.

Several underwater species are presented, with complete descriptions. Other features of this supplement include:

VASSALVA - a 500 ton submarine, complete with stats, full crew write-up, and detailed deckplans & description.

LARCH - another 500 ton submarine, complete with stats, full crew write-up, and detailed deckplans & description.

Underwater Mineral Node Mine and Processing Plant - complete with layout plans & description.

The City of Hembree - complete with layout plans & description.

Various Encounter for both underwater and ground-based enconters.

There is no "detailed" adventure within the pages of Hydronaut. Rather, Dagan is a place the GM can take, customize, and set an adventure in.
Target Sector

Target sector lies three sectors trailing of the Imperium, rimward of Vargr space and trailing of K'kree space. This is the subject of a large, 24 page article, printed in Pegasus #9, Judges Guild's gaming magazine.

This is a vast, detailed work that includes complete description of the sector, maps, UWPs, and everything you'd need to know to game in the sector.

The author did a good job on this sector, even if it is no longer canoncal (I understand the Judges Guild sectors are no longer part of official CT canon).

Nevertheless, this work is worth a look. There's more here in these 24 magazine pages than what's covered in either the Solomani Rim or Spinward Marches GDW Supplements.

Good stuff.
Judge's Guild also produced Sector Maps and writeups of the Glimmerdrift Reaches and Ley Sectors (I understand these have been decanonized).
Tancred published by Judges Guild

Tancred is a CT supplement describing a single world, not unlike Hydronaut above or the GURPS Traveller planetary surveys.

Tancred is located in the Outreaumer subsector of the Ley sector. This would be Judges Guild's version of the Ley sector rather than the re-created sector by QLI and Avenger.

I'm very impressed with the political background for the world. If you like Imperial nobles, corporation influence, planetary government officials, and a rebellion brewing, then this is the place for you.

Some highlights of the supplement:

Complete description, maps, NPCs, encounter charts, and rumor charts for five cities on the world.

The planetary starport is detailed with security squads, NPC personel, inspection teams, encounter charts, and a map of the entire complex.

Several types of NPCs are detailed to give the world a "real" feel. Police. Cargo workers. Spaceport operations. That type of thing.

An entire mercenary regiment is detailed with every soldier detailed, stated, skilled, and tagged with notes for role playing.

And two short scenarios are presented. One involves a strike team invading a mansion in order to kill a political target. The other involves the rebels of Tancred. Both are laid out as Amber Zone style adventures.

Planetary map, maps for the two adventures, and a subsector map is provided.

But, Tancred is meant to be more than a one-off or two-off adventure. It's meant as a supplement that GMs can use to build upon and create campaigns around.

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Marinagua published by Group One

Marinagua (mair-in-ah'-guah) is an unfriendly place. Bands of brigands roam the countryside. The weapons industry is the most prosperous of all business concerns. Murder and mayhem are commonplace. Egg-smashing parties are a popular form of entertaiment, and of late, public torture-fest have become common. Inter-city travel is almost non-existent. Canibalism is not uncommon. The postal service is irreglar.

Another in Group One's folios focusing on a single world in the Traveller universe, Marinagua is a planet in the Borealis Kantel subsector of the Theta Borealis sector. Although not near as meaty as Hydronaut (above), this world-write-up consists of only 18 pages. What you get is a simple world description for the GM to make his playground.

There's a large, full color fold out map of Maringua. There are several types of indiginous animals (each with its own illustration). There are encounter charts. And, there is description of three landmarks on the world: Feres'ne Dur, a bastion carved into the side of a mountain; Balac Pont, the capital city of Marinagua (it ain't much); and Derlack Monwa, a massive palace and tomb.

An alient race is included as well. The Alejia (ah'-lay-hi'-ah).

All-in-all, what you get in this one is the basics. There's not a lot of meat in this one, but what there is, is interesting. This is fodder for the GM's imagination--a place in which to set a campaign, or an adventure.

Reading through Marinagua, it reminded me of a Hammer's Slammers novel I once read called THE SHARP END. If you've ever read that David Drake novel, you've got a good idea for the feel of the place depicted in this planet folio.

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Wabor-Parn published by Group One

This is another of the 18 page planet folios published by Group One. These supplements provide some detail (far from exhaustive) for worlds in the Traveller universe. They provide fuel for a GM's imagination and give him a place on which to build a campaign or single adventure.

Warbor-Parn is a low tech world (TL 2) in the Theta Borealis sector. If a GM is looking to run a Traveller adventure where the PCs have to explore a low tech world with dinosaurs, then this is the place.

Several animals are described, accompanied by encounter charts.

Two alien races are also featured: The Trist, and the Bose.

Along with this, several small cities are described: Totalon, Derkau, Comarsa, and Ranjabtul.

The aliens on the world are just making the switch from melee weapons to using black powder. It's an interesting concept for a Traveller adventure. GMs who would like to mesh Traveller with D&D would do well to set their adventure here.

An area of note is an old abandoned station that was built some 190 standard years ago when a colonization effort was underway on the planet. There's also a mysterious monolith of the 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY variety--both interesting areas for GMs to set an encounter.

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Pen-Lotol's World published by Group One

1800 years ago, an alien race known as the Sanshitar arrived in their sub-light generational ships to colonize a planet. Years later, the thriving colony was brought to its knees first by an earthquake which caused half a continent to sink, then by plague in the cataclysm's aftermath.

Just three years ago, a small team of Imperial Scouts made a cursory inspection of the world, logging it into the Imperial database. Their report listed the world's UWP as: X674550-1.

Today, the Terax Company, one of the great combines, has bought the extra-planetary rights of Pen-Latol's World. They've directed one of their subsidaries, 2E (which stands for Exploration and Exploitation), to gather personel and equipment to explore this new world and provide profit.

This situation presented in this, another of Group One's world folios. The supplement provides background and detail. The GM is to build upon this with an adventure.

A giant, table-top map is presented, blank except for terrain features. This is the map given the player character explorers by 2E. The GM is meant to record findings on the map as the players make discoveries while exploring the world.

A set of player characters is presented, fully equipped, which can also be used as NPCs if need-be. Encounter charts and world description are presented. And a new alien race makes its appearance--the decendants of those first alien colonists from almost two centuries ago.

A complete alien village is detailed. A modern mining station is presented (2E's first forray into exploiting the world). There's a ruined city described--a place of the alien colonists before the cataclysm. And, there's a map of an ancient fortress carved inside a mountain peak. All of these locations are completely described and keyed to maps.

The world is not set into any specific sector of Known Space, encouraging a GM to easily place this world in any location of his chosing.

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Tarlkin's Landing published by Judges Guild

I hesitated from listing this one because it's not a true Classic Traveller supplement. It's actually a supplement for JG's general science fiction series. But, in reading the conversion rules in the back of the supplement, it's clear that the Traveller audience was the target market for this product.

So, I list this here for that reason and the fact that I've never seen such a detailed location in all of Classic Traveller. The supplement completely focuses on the starport of Tarlkin's Landing. It's a generic starport a GM can use in his game anywhere he sees fit. Background history and maps are provided, but what is most impressive about this supplement is that it comes with clost to 70 detailed locations in and around the starport. A giant table-top map is provided, two-sided, and within the supplement map blocks are provided to easily create other locations. A small section on rumors and encounters is provided as well, but the meat of the book is the description of all of those places.

This is a supplement where the GM can spread the map out on the gaming table and say, "OK, it's late. You've spent all day unloading your cargo. Your ship is here at the starport. Where do you want to go?" And, the players can look at the map and just go exploring.

This would be a great location to use as the PC's homeport. As the campaign grows, the players can keep returning to port, getting to know NPCs, shop keepers, business owners, merchants, residents, etc.

The maps show the dirtside starport on the surface of a generic world, but the large map of the spaceport and surrounding city can be set just about anywhere, with a little creativity from the GM. I've used the place in the past as the detail map of the underground city of Leedor on Aramis when playing The Traveller Adventure.

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Cruis Margin published by Judges Guild

Back in the day, the Gateway Domain was reserved for development by Judges Guild. Four sectors, all awaiting adventures and supplemental material. This book describes one of those four sectors: Cruis Margin. It lies slightly rimward from the center of the trailing edge of the Imperium, close to both Hiver and K'kree space, consisting of mixed client states.

This work describes several of those client states. It provides world UWPs and subsector maps, game master-only information, rumor and encounter charts, and planetary maps for selected worlds. You'll find more detail here than you will in either Sup 3 The Spinward Marches or Sup 10 The Solomani Rim.

Note that JG's Gateway Domain is no longer considered Traveller canon. But, don't let that stop you from enjoying this work can bring to a game.

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Ley Sector published by Judges Guild

This is another of the JG supplements describing sectors of the Gateway Domain. Although not as "meaty" as the supplement on the Cruis Margine sector (above), this one does include some new Book 2 ship designs common to the sector.

This work is basically a smaller version of the Cruis Margin sector, containing the same type of information for the Ley sector.

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Far Frontiers sector

There is an intricate look at the Far Frontiers sector (the playground of the Keith Bros. and FASA Classic Traveller products) included in Ares #2. It's an interesting take because it's not written by a Traveller publisher but by a CT fan of FASA's offerings.

This is a complete sector write-up, discussing things like the effect the Sky Raiders have had on the planets they've raided. Excellent article. Complete with multiple maps and all UWPs.

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Corvus Subsector of the Far Stars sector

This is a fan made gaming subsector that can easily be adapted to anyone's Classic Traveller game.

Get it HERE.

A subsector map is avialable HERE.

Starships of the Corvus subsector available HERE.

Images of the Corvus subsector available HERE.

Tarikkas, hub of the Corvus subsector, available HERE.

Casual Encounters of the Corvus subsector available here, here (more info here), here, here, and here.

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