Is there spam in the far future? When the captain or whoever checks the ship's logs or mail are there lots of solicitations for advanced fees and free cash?
I start this topic because I keep getting spam from who knows where. From domains located in Sweden, Venezeula, universities in some country I've never heard of ... just all over the place. So it got me to thinking that what if one of your players, or perhaps your character, just on a whim, decided to respond, answer or even track down the source of one of these spams?
Would it be a good adventure seed to crack a criminal syndicate? Would your adventurers stumble or wander into a nest of terrorism and intrigue?
p.s. seriously, I have no idea where half this stuff comes from, but it strikes me that it's the stuff of a good adventure seed.
I start this topic because I keep getting spam from who knows where. From domains located in Sweden, Venezeula, universities in some country I've never heard of ... just all over the place. So it got me to thinking that what if one of your players, or perhaps your character, just on a whim, decided to respond, answer or even track down the source of one of these spams?
Would it be a good adventure seed to crack a criminal syndicate? Would your adventurers stumble or wander into a nest of terrorism and intrigue?
p.s. seriously, I have no idea where half this stuff comes from, but it strikes me that it's the stuff of a good adventure seed.