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Speculative Cargos

As a group of new players, we are about to embark on some speculative trading. We are using Merchant Prince and CT.

When rolling for the Availability there are modifiers for the Destination World, does this mean that speculative goods Must have a destination?

What if the purchaser just wants to buy some low priced goods, travel around with them stuck in the back of their hold until they find a profitable market?

That seems to me to be the essence of spec trading.

"Hey Eneri, do we still have those sculptures of naked Vargr females...I think I finally found a buyer."
As a group of new players, we are about to embark on some speculative trading. We are using Merchant Prince and CT.

When rolling for the Availability there are modifiers for the Destination World, does this mean that speculative goods Must have a destination?

What if the purchaser just wants to buy some low priced goods, travel around with them stuck in the back of their hold until they find a profitable market?

Start with THIS table on pg 36:

Code Trade Class Price Mod
-      No class              0
Ag   Agricultural         - 1,000
As   Asteroid Belt         - 1,000
Ba   Barren World        + 1,000
De   Desert World        + 1,000
FI    Fluid Oceans        + 1,000
Hi    High Population    - 1,000
Ic   Ice-Capped            0
In   Industrial             - 1,000
Lo   Low Population     + 1,000
Na   Non-Agricultural     0
Ni    Non-Industrial     + 1,000
Po   Poor                 - 1,000
Ri    Rich                  + 1,000
Va   Vacuum World     + 1,000
Wa   Water World        0

Base Cost: Cr4,000 per ton.

Trade Class Effects: Add the price
mod shown for each trade class.

Tech Level Effects: Multiply tech
level by Cr100 and add to base cost.

Starport Effects: For starport type
add to base cost
A: - 1,000; 
C:+ 1,000; 
D: + 2,000; 
E: + 3,000; 
X: + 5,000.

and this example from pg 40-41 ...

For example, the Empress Nicholle is nearing completion of a voyage from Efate to Regina (both in Regina subsector of the Spinward Marches). The ship has just called at Ruie (C 2776977-7 Hi In) and the captain has determined that the UPP listing is correct and that all possible trade classifications are shown. Modifications for Hi and In total - 2,000; modifications for tech level total + 700; starport effects total + 1,000. The captain computes the local cargo available as C-7 Hi In Cr3,700. Being in a speculative mood, he arranges for the purchase of 10 tons of the goods and pays Cr37,000 for the lot. The next day, his ship lifts off for Regina.

The Destination world stuff is for selling it.

The speculation in LBB2 or 3 (I don't remember which) might be better to use. It is simpler and identifies cargos as real goods. (just my opinion).
Good Luck.
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When rolling for the Availability there are modifiers for the Destination World, does this mean that speculative goods Must have a destination?

The Cargo Availability Tables (pg 39) are for shipping SOMEBODY ELSE'S CARGO at 1000 cr per ton, not for speculation. In Merchant Prince, the supply of speculative cargo is unlimited.
As a group of new players, we are about to embark on some speculative trading. We are using Merchant Prince and CT.

When rolling for the Availability there are modifiers for the Destination World, does this mean that speculative goods Must have a destination?

What if the purchaser just wants to buy some low priced goods, travel around with them stuck in the back of their hold until they find a profitable market?

Probably follows the logic of you buy goods with a certain destination in mind. So you don't target Roup with a load of seafood, and likewise, you might get a good price for meat (frozen of course) on a world with no atmo, etc, etc.

However if you can afford to "just keep stuff" more power to you.

One of the T4 writeups talks about a free trader who wanders around with a small supply of slabs of Synthetic Diamond, to "sweeten other deals" and mentions that one customer sells it for 100x what he pays and now owns a brokerage...

So however you get the job done, it's done.
