One other caveat: I forgot to mention the assumtion that thew monthly trade volume is esentially ships making round trips...long-run routing could double or tripple the served volumes on the frontiers...
but 15% of this is a good number, think; 25% would be more reasonable for the special cases in the marches.
now, a couple more assumptions to make life interesting:
1: maintenance doesn't REQUIRE a yard (it can be done in the field at increased timme and cost, according to a couple of adventures and rulesets.
2: because of the 50 year lifespan chosen, maintenance is the major source of yard space. (actual new construction yards are 1/600th of the shipping tonnage per month...)
Perhaps repair/maintenance yards are cheaper... and construction yards need some special stuff. (WTH, thy are still heavy industrial production units.)
I came up with rough tonnages in a campaign of roughly 25 tons per 10 tons yard capacity... based upon WTH and (don't choke) Starfire 3rd ed Revised.
but 15% of this is a good number, think; 25% would be more reasonable for the special cases in the marches.
now, a couple more assumptions to make life interesting:
1: maintenance doesn't REQUIRE a yard (it can be done in the field at increased timme and cost, according to a couple of adventures and rulesets.
2: because of the 50 year lifespan chosen, maintenance is the major source of yard space. (actual new construction yards are 1/600th of the shipping tonnage per month...)
Perhaps repair/maintenance yards are cheaper... and construction yards need some special stuff. (WTH, thy are still heavy industrial production units.)
I came up with rough tonnages in a campaign of roughly 25 tons per 10 tons yard capacity... based upon WTH and (don't choke) Starfire 3rd ed Revised.