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Starship miniatures

!! :eek:

You should put a NSFW or not around kids note on that link. "-and now lined with extra bumps for enhanced pleasure!"
Here I thought GZG's "snails in space" ships were bad enough...

Seriously though this is good news if you like the ships/series. Me I got a good chuckle out of it on an otherwise dreary day.
Hopefully this will lead to miniatures for Attack Vector. While I don't play the gsme some of the ships looked interesting.
The question was asked in another thread on The Miniatures Page. Ken's Answer:

...depending on how the Honorverse minis sell, and retailer interest, we'll do AV:T minis. Obviously, we'd love to do 'em. (We've spec'd out the scale for AV:T minis at 1:6000, matching the Elite scale of naval minis. - 1 mm is 6 meters.) The other issue is finding a way to show the long cage masts keeping the engine a safe distance from the hull on a mini...
I'd like to see them as well, we'll see how things turn out.