So...a fusion gun can penetrate 200m of ship's hull. Bloody hell. Not IMTU!
Actually, it's already in your Traveller universe. You're forgetting about attenuation...
Look at what extreme range is for the fusion gun in Striker; 134 kilometers. That's just over a hundredth of a single Mayday hex and a fusion gun can fire across 5 Mayday hexes.
If the fusion gun's penetration drops from 20,000 cm to 500 cm after just 100 kilometers, what sort of drop off would you expect after 10,000 kilometers?
...And I note that modern anti-ship missiles are in fact, not armor piercing. Like Book 2 starships, modern warships are not armored in any meaningful sense of the word....
does it drop off as much in vacuum?
Hope this isn't getting too far off track, but technically, I do not belive the quote above is fully true.
Why shouldn't it? Lasers attenuate in a vacuum.
Look at the scale involved too. The fusion gun's penetration at 134km drops to a fortieth of what it was at 34km. Now an atmosphere does have a greater effect on attenuation than vacuum, but Striker's extreme range is ~0.00335 of HG2's extreme range.
So...a fusion gun can penetrate 200m of ship's hull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bloody hell. Not IMTU!
I stand corrected, then. It may be true that some modern antiship missiles have some armor piercing capability. But given that modern warships are relatively unarmored (compared to WWII ships), the armor piercing capability should be fairly modest.
And these are FAR larger weapons than the typical Traveller missile. The Harpoon, a relative modest sized weapon has a ~250kg warhead. A typical Traveller missile has about a 3 kg warhead. A 3kg shaped charge warhead would do very little damage to a ship unless it struck a highly vulnerable point. So at the end of the day, my point remains.
I've also decided that the main source of damage from a Traveller missile is kinetic energy from the shrapnel (see my post above where I calculated that a missile travelling for 3 turns at 6G would have 324 times the impact of a 120mm TL8 tank round).
does it drop off as much in vacuum?
I believe, that as a technicality, shaped-charge weapons are not actually classified as "armor piercing". Certainly they defeat the armor and achieve penetration, but they don't pierce the armor and cause damage by the transfer of kinetic energy, like an AP round.
It's an OCD distinction, but since we're going "technical"....
I believe, that as a technicality, shaped-charge weapons are not actually classified as "armor piercing". Certainly they defeat the armor and achieve penetration, but they don't pierce the armor and cause damage by the transfer of kinetic energy, like an AP round.
It's an OCD distinction, but since we're going "technical"....
And, as I recall someone mentioning, modern warships are not armored in the meaningful sense of the word. If I don't miss my recollection, the HMS Suffolk was sunk by an Exocet missile in the Falkland Islands conflict; the missile passed through the hull and exploded inside the ship because it didn't fuse upon initial impact because the "armor" was not of sufficient strength to do so.
...short of having a fighter blast away all turrets at point blank range, how can pirates temporally disable the turrets before putting the captured ship in the cargo bay?
...And I know that the Q ship has a popup fusion gun turret. Would this be detectable from close range by the pirates? I am assuming that the basic idea behind a popup is to hide it. Why else spend the extra money and hull space on it?
OK, I concede the point. Now short of having a fighter blast away all turrets at point blank range, how can pirates temporally disable the turrets before putting the captured ship in the cargo bay? And I know that the Q ship has a popup fusion gun turret. Would this be detectable from close range by the pirates? I am assuming that the basic idea behind a popup is to hide it. Why else spend the extra money and hull space on it?
OK, I concede the point. Now short of having a fighter blast away all turrets at point blank range, how can pirates temporally disable the turrets before putting the captured ship in the cargo bay? And I know that the Q ship has a popup fusion gun turret. Would this be detectable from close range by the pirates? I am assuming that the basic idea behind a popup is to hide it. Why else spend the extra money and hull space on it?
Broke it in half to be precise.