As I never have played CT space combat. What ranges and durations do these missiles have?
I as becuase I think a missile at the size of a stinger hardly would work at multiple thousands of kilometers Traveller space combat traditionally have had since MT at least.
Well, do recall that in space no one can hear you scream, and missiles don;t have to overcome gravity or atmospheric resistance.
So a stinger class missile could have a hell of a lot more range in space.
BTW, could people not get nasty over which parts of traveller are less made up than others? All I need is for a flame war to break out over a question I asked and the some damn mod to blame me for it. (I seem to have mods as a class enemy. Don't think I got any points for it though.)
As to the drive/shield thingie, I developed that idea in some SF I wanted to write, it was about spatial distortion technology, and how ship[s created a "levity" field behind them, an outward curve of space that was the exact opposite of gravity, and as a result the ship "fell" downhill away from the center of the effect behind them, producing some good speed without G stress.
At first it was considered to create a gravitic field ahead of the ship and fall towards the bottom, but this attracted micrometors and other unpleasant things. The outward curve behind the ship tended to drive away dust motes and the link.
And I still think that fusion engines would work for missiles. Hell, in traveller fusion power is used on everything as is. Just have a fusion core with an open end, run in some liquid hydrogen and leave an opening at the back of the field for the superhot helium to excape and WHOOSH! High thrust, low duration drive, just like god intended for missiles to have.