I don't have anything for CT but other systems...
I don't have anything for CT but I know that some of the other systems do provide weight data. Specifically, in GURPS Traveller: Interstellar Wars )GT:IW) which is the system I've currently been messing around with;
Hull Mass = total surface area of the hull (in 1000's of sq ft)
x 1.5 tons @ GURPS TL 9
or x 1.0 tons @ GURPS TL 10
or x 0.75 tons @ GURPS TL 11
Armor Mass = total surface area of the hull (in 1000's of sq ft) x Armor Rating
x 0.75 tons @ GURPS TL 9
or x 0.5 tons @ GURPS TL 10
or x 0.3 tons @ GURPS TL 11
Stealth Mass = total surface area of the hull (in 1000's of sq ft) x 0.25 tons (regardless of TL)
Maneuver Drive Mass = basically 4 tons Mass for each dTon of Space it takes up
Jump Drive Mass = basically 4 tons Mass for each dTon of Space it takes up
Fuel Tank Mass (Empty) = 0.025 tons per dTon
Fuel Processor Mass = 4 tons Mass per dTon of Space
Bridge Mass =
- 3 tons for a small cockpit of 0.5 dton size
- 4 tons for a small cockpit of 1.0 dton size
- 8 tons for a small bridge of 1.5 dton size
- 12 tons for a standard bridge of 2.5 dton size
- 24 tons for a command bridge of 5.0 dton size
Sensor Mass =
- 6 tons for a Mod-0 sensor of 0.5 dton size
- 12 tons for a Mod-1 sensor of 1.0 dton size
- 18 tons for a Mod-2 sensor of 1.5 dton size
- 24 tons for a Mod-3 sensor of 2.0 dton size
- 36 tons for a Mod-4 sensor of 3.0 dton size
- 48 tons for a Mod-5 sensor of 4.0 dton size
- 72 tons for a Mod-6 sensor of 6.0 dton size
- 110 tons for a Mod-7 sensor of 9.0 dton size
- 170 tons for a Mod-8 sensor of 14.0 dton size
- 240 tons for a Mod-9 sensor of 20.0 dton size
(Note here that the GT:IW book indicates that they assume that the massive computers in early versions of Traveller actually also included the sensors and other electronics)
Turret Mass =
- a light turret (which should be the equivalent of a CT turret I think) = 1 ton
Weapon Mass =
- Beam Lasers = 3 tons
- Pulse Laser = 3 tons
- Missile Rack = 1 ton
- Sandcaster = 1 ton
(There's a lot more on lareger weapons, which I guess would be similar to HG: LBB5 stuff, as well)
Mass of Equipment for Vehicle Bays & Hangars =
- 0.5 tons per vehicle bay
- 1.0 tons per Hangar
Power Plant Mass =
- 4 tons per dton
Quarters Mass =
- 1 ton per stateroom
- 4 tons per low berth unit (2 berths total)
Other Stuff
- Workshops = 15 tons Mass (for a 2.5 dTon space)
- Labs = 10 tons (for a 2 dTon space)
- Survey Module = 12 tons (for a 4 dTon space)
- Sickbay = 1 ton (for a 1 dTon space)
- Cargo Hold = negligible mass per dTon of space
- Notional Assumed Cargo Wt = 5 tons per dTon of space
Using this data, for a HERO Class 200 dTon Private Merchant (which appears to be basically a Beowulf class ship) they calc an empty mass of 240 tons or a loaded mass of 720tons. Similarly for an Iiken Class 100 dTon Scout/Courier (which appears very similar to an S Class Scout from CT) they calc an empty mass of 680 tons or a loaded mass of 740 tons.
Since in GT:IW a dTon = 500 cubic feet and the density of sea water on Earth is 35 cubic feet per ton, then a dTon of Sea Water would weigh 14.3 t on Earth. For a 100 dTon vessel then if its loaded weight is less than 1428 t it should float (if I've done my math right) or similarly for a 200 dTon ship it will float if its weight is less than 2857 t. As such both these vessel's appear to be able to float in an ocean on Earth. On other planets though, I guess you'd have to adjust the calcs for the density of the liquid and the strength of the gravity on that planet.
I have a spreadsheet that I put together to design ship's using the GT:IW rules and it includes some of the data I left out above for non-CT type weapons and stuff. It's located here (
http://members.cox.net/psjn/GT%20IW%20SD%20Rev%2004.xls)if you are interested.