Looking through my GT:IW Stuff, ships designed to those rules come out about;
- 2.0t /dTon for Passenger Vessels & Yachts
- 2.5t /dTon for Survey & Exploratory Vessels
- 4.0t /dTon for Merchant Ships
- 3.0-6.7t /dTon for non-Fighter Small Craft
- 7.5-13.25t /dTon for Fighters & other Military Small Craft
- 5.9-9.7t /dTon for semi-Military Vessels (like Pickets & Commerce Raiders)
- 6.0-9.0t /dTon for Military Ships
- 3.2t /dTon for a Fast Courier
- 7.4t /dTon for a Regular Courier
The densest vessel in the book is a 400 dTon SDB which comes out at 13.25t /dTon. One thing about the GT:IW Rules is that they don't require fuel for the maneuver drive or power plant; the only fuel onboard is used for jump drives. As such I guess that it shouldn't be surprising that a heavily armed SDB, without any tanks for relatively light fuel, would come out so dense. However, at a density of 13.25t /dTon it should still have about 7% of its hull out of the water.