Old School
It really depends on the tools at hand. Assuming you are using a PC, you can use the Windows snipping tool to clip out the geomorphs you want. Try to clip them right down the middle of the wall for cleaner connections when assembling. In most word processing documents you can add images, rotate, and scale them. In Microsoft Word you need to go Insert > Picture for each image. Then right click on each image and set Wrap Text to something like Through, Behind Text, or In Front of Text so they can be moved freely.
As Whartung said, it won't be as clean as the originals, but it might get you started and it's quicker than learning Photoshop. Good luck!
So, with a little trial and error, I've discovered that PowerPoint of all things does a good job of snapping the images together rather precisely. So that works well for that piece.
What' I'd really like a software that I could snip the same spot from each page, and the save the individual images. That would be so much better than precisely snipping each one. I can dream, right? But that's no criticism, this stuff is great. How we use it is up to us!