Okay, maybe my obviously warped sense of the future battlefield doesn't match the OTU norm; but this is how I see this whole thing playing out:
PC1(Pete): Gee, I think I'm seeing a neutrino source about 10000m from Gary's beacon, could be some kind of grav vehicle.
PC2(Rick): Yeah, bet they have grav tanks supporting the infantry that are looking for him.
PC3(Fred): Maybe we can knock a few off from orbit; it's a tough shot but maybe we'll get lucky. Rick, you power up the turret and Pete, you get a hard targetting lock. I'll maneuver us over the target.
Meanwhile, on the ground ...
NPC1: Sir, we're detecting broadband emissions over area XX/YY; they correspond to a standard Type S Scout ...
NPC2: Correlate with Site B and get a fix on that ship. XX/YY; that's not anywhere near the normal civilian routes, correct?
NPC3: Yes sir, if she's a neutral, she's way outside the designated surface-to-orbit routes ...
NPC2: Notify Space Command to scramble the closest escort and get that civilian out of there before they get hurt. Designate her Unknown 001. The question is, "what's she looking for?"
Back in orbit ...
Pete: Got a lock on one target, and there's a couple of more down there too. Passing data to the turret ...
Rick: Yup, there it is, big and bright ... like a fish in a barrel ... locked on and ready to fire ...
Fred: If we don't take 'em out, they'll find Gary for sure. Light 'em up!
On the ground:
NPC4: Command, this is Tiger 23, we are taking direct fire from above, one unit down, casualties unknown, engaging countermeasures, request fire support, over ...
NPC3: Sir, ground forces in grid XXXX/YYYY report they are under orbital bombardment. No hostile aircraft in the area. Fire appears to be coming from Unknown 001.
NPC2: Where's that Combat Air Patrol? Designate that unknown as hostile!
NPC1: Sir, we have a passive fix on Hostile 001. Should I order counter-battery?
NPC2: What's the delay on the CAP? If no friendlies are in the area, give the coordinates to Battery Alpha and tell them to prep for counter-battery.
NPC3: CAP on it's way full burn, weapons range in 10 minutes ...
Back in orbit:
Pete: Woohoo! You should see the sensors light up! What a discharge! The sensors can't handle it, I gotta reduce the sensitivity.
Rick: Yeah, I'm blind too. Looks like a direct hit though.
Fred: As soon as you can, get a lock on the next one. Sure hope Gary didn't get fried when that thing went up!
Rick: Gimme another target, the laser's almost powered back up!
Pete: Hmmm, seems to be something wrong with my sensors, all I see is a big smudge over the target area ... some kind of interference ...
Fred: Let's maneuver to get a better look ...
On the ground:
NPC1: Sir, I have CAP over grid XX/YZ, five minutes to weapon range, Hostile 001 is maneuvering ...
NPC2: Keep on that hostile. Does Battery Alpha have a lock yet?
NPC3: Battery reports lock and ready to engage ...
NPC2: Darn mercs! Knock that thing out of my sky!!!
In orbit ...
Pete: Holy crap!!! We're getting painted by something on the ground! I think it's military!
Rick: Can we fire back?
Pete: More military sensors! Coming from above us now!
Fred: Full thrust!!!
On the ground ...
NPC3: CAP reports sensor lock, Battery Alpha firing ...
In orbit ...
Fred: Mother ...
On the ground:
Gary: Wow, what a pretty meteor! Wonder if the guys see it?
Now, if they try the low and fast approach, they get two shots off before they get blown up and Gary gets whacked by falling debris.