As an alternative to the automatic "radiate lots of always-detectable heat in all directions always" that some seem to insist on, what is wrong with hull insulation, heat pumps/hull&drive-cooling systems, and using the lasers/other energy weapon to discharge the excess energy (heat converted to electricity) in the opposite direction from whatever you are trying to hide from?
As long as you aren't in a dust cloud, there will be nothing to scatter the energy in the beam, and thus the beam won't be detectable from any appreciable distance unless it later bounces off an object or hits a dust cloud.
Well, unless you're willing to wait for passive information as to where the thing you're hiding from is at, you won't know where to bleed the excess heat to.
And I doubt anyone would want to bleed heat off in jump space in order to equal the local 3 Kelvin temperature when you fall out of jump space until you do know.
Oh, look. A little late to the game. Not unusual.
I'm thinking stealth in this case is the ability (or not) of a ship to appear to be something it isn't.
Forgive my falling back to MT, but the sensors provide first, scan (there's something out there) and then pinpoint (there it is!), which is provided in as few dice rolls as possible (not going there).
Your success in identifying something is dependent on how well you rolled and what size and/or energy signature it has.
Success, exceptional success, small, large, low, high. (I'm shotgunning, I'm too lazy to dig up my manual.)
Ships can also reduce power plant output so as to appear smaller than they may actually be, and adding stealth technology helps them appear 'smaller' than they actually are by reducing the signature of their power plant.
But then, we can wrench the whole thing with the 'military' technology of the expensive densitometer and/or neutrino sensor.
Egad! I think I just came out of the closet as a grognard, due to the crunchiness of MT!!! XD