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Stellar Reaches Fanzine, Issue #2, now released...


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From the main page for the Stellar Reaches fanzine:

"Greeting, Fellow Sophonts!

It's midnight, and our second issue, Issue #2, Spring 2005, is now available for downloading. Please visit our archives page to find prior issues and other releases, as they are prepared and released.

Welcome to the second issue of Stellar Reaches, a free PDF-based fanzine dedicated to Traveller T20 and Classic Traveller. Despite a few technical issues, we still managed to produce this issue within our schedule (or pretty close, anyway), releasing it in late Spring of 2005. Our next issue will be released in August 2005, before the end of the summer, assuming Gen Con Indianapolis 2005 does not overly interfere with its preparations or release date.

As you can tell from our cover page, the Spring 2005 issue has actual art contributions. We are particularly thankful to both artists that submitted work for inclusion in this release: Bryan Gibson and Chuck Shaw.

Bryan Gibson has provided exceptional artwork for Traveller products for every edition of Traveller, from CT and MT to TNE, T4 and T20. His interior art is fantastic as always, and we are greatly honored and appreciative of his contributions here. (Please bear in mind, friends, that he does retain copyright on the images found herein, so if you want to use them elsewhere, please contact him for permission.)

Further examples of Bryan's work can be found at on the web at:

Known as Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan on the Citizens of the Imperium boards, Chuck Shaw is an up-and-coming graphics artist, actively involved in the Theater industry. His creation, entitled "Insidious Atmospheres", serves as this issue's front cover. For more of Chuck’s work, please check out his website:

In addition to art, this issue offers some contributed content as well. From one of our Classic Traveller fans, Benjamin "Jame" Pew, comes a short article on light task forces set in Golden Age Spinward Marches, complete with two military vessels designed under CT Book 2 specifications. On the T20 side of things, Daniel "Liam Devlin" Hammersley provides us with an article that expands on the information found within the T20 Traveller's Handbook on RNA Implants. Special thanks to each of our contributors for their efforts.

The usual suspects for Stellar Reaches are still present, as well. The Spring 2005 issue contains an in-depth article on the Delta Quadrant of the Empty Quarter sector, as well as an adventure related to that little corner of the Third Imperium. This issue's starship datasheet article addresses Deep Space Stations, those "stepping stone" space stations used to bridge the gap across the vacant reaches of rifts. To round things out, we've included a wildlife encounter and a patron encounter as additional material for use in your Traveller campaigns.

Please remember that this work is an act of love on the part of those that have helped make it what it is. Stellar Reaches can not continue to exist without support from Traveller fans, so please consider contributing either articles or artwork to this fanzine. Submission guidelines are available on our website, and all contributions will be considered!

Now, without any further adieu, it's time to stop scanning this editorial and jump directly into the actual Spring 2005 issue of Stellar Reaches. We hope you enjoy our efforts.

Preparing for Jump,
Jason "Flynn" Kemp
Editor, Stellar Reaches fanzine"
Gah! I can't see the new ish, the website's saying it's exceeded its allocated bandwidth :(

Have you thought about posting these in QLI's flibrary?
I got through to the download page but despite downloading it three times, I couldn't open the PDF. It claims it's damaged and can't be opened :(

Agh. Got through, tried opening the pdf, browser locked up, tried downloading the pdf instead, but got the "too much bandwidth" page! :(

Seriously dude. *points at fLibrary*. It's the only way. ;)
(edit: removed paragraph)

Originally posted by Scarecrow:
I got through to the download page but despite downloading it three times, I couldn't open the PDF. It claims it's damaged and can't be opened :(
Same here. File size seems ok, over 3mb.

General note: hope Flynn doesn't mind a direct link for now at least.
One of the benefits of playing in Flynn's FtF T20 campaign, in addition to a good gaming experience, is he uploaded a copy of Stellar Reaches to our campaign Yahoo group, and I was able to download it from there.

It looks good. I really like Gibson's interior market artwork. Haven't had time to read the articles yet, but they look interesting.
Using the flibrary still requires someone to go in and okay it once the file is uploaded. My apologies, and I'll see what I can do about fixing the corrupted download.

Thanks for the feedback,
My personal FtF group for the T20 Fourth Imperium game I run monthly is called FLTT20. Considering that it is also a playtest group for certain QLI products, I am rather selective as to who I have join the mailing group.

However, I will be posting a copy of the issue to the more widely accessible Traveller_T20 yahoogroup here shortly, and I think that would be more appropriate.

With Regards,

I'm always open to contributions, Andrew, and art is particularly hard to come by. I have two more Bryan Gibson pieces for the next issue or two, and then I'm artless, so any contributions in that arena would be greatly appreciated.

You retain all copyrights to your work, and they will only be used for the Stellar Reaches fanzine, which means no money will be made off of them. I merely ask for the right to include them in these fanzine publications.

Thanks for considering us,
Aha, finally got it to download from the yahoo group.

I didn't quite follow what you meant about the fLibrary - did you mean that someone at QLI has to approve the file before it appears?

Nice to see you're using my stellar generation system for the Empty Quarter articles

Indeed, someone has to okay a file before it appears in the fLibrary, which I think is a good idea. (It protects the site from being inundated with a million variant versions of Poker and other related spam that gets sent to open file repositories like that.)

Yeah, for those to whom such things matter, I'm trying to use a realistic stellar generation system. I also filter the worlds to promote the appropriate TL minimums for atmosphere types, and population minimums for starport types.

Hope this helps,
Good too see the "Gibson Girls" getting hotter and hotter all the time! That pic is Awesome! Is that a Bwap haggling? This looks pro-grade, Lord Flynn! Outstanding!
Yessir, my favorite minor race itself...
Bryan did an excellent job with the artwork, and I'm proud that Stellar Reaches has been considered appropriate for his donation of time and skill. We are in his debt. (And I have two more pieces, waiting for future issues. Yay!)

Thanks for the compliment, Your Excellency, and for your outstanding work on the cover art as well. I am glad the final work meets with your approval.

I only have two questions, Flynn. (And, they are NOT complaints!)

The quadrant map on page 6 is shifted slightly to the left margin - is that intentional? It's not a big deal, but my first thought was that I was supposed to be seeing some data on the right side that wasn't showing up. :(

Also, the space station data on page 21 has a box on the right that says, "500 hardpoints. No turrets or weapons installed." Is that box supposed to not have a right border (on the margin)? Again, not a problem - I just wanted to know if I'm seeing things I shouldn't be seeing.
The sec2pdf application I use to create the quadrant maps is off-center, and I haven't heard back from J Greely on how to fix it. As soon as I can correct that problem, however, I'll update both Issue #1 and Issue #2's maps so that they are properly centered.

As for the box, yes, I think that's a small layout issue. When I do my first run of errata updates, that will be fixed as well.

Thanks for spotting the second one, by the way.

More later,