So you are saying that perhaps we should interpret the Striker BD as being more a multiplier of 10x STR?
It's worth noting that the core rules BD doubles strength - for most purposes.
The individual wearing battle dress is effectively doubled in strength and given unlimited endurance (for lifting, carrying, and fighting purposes; not for wounds received) and receives a DM of +2 for surprise
The ×10 strength would be a suitable interpretation, with an understanding that Striker also assumes an average of 10 Strength for infantry.
Note that a ×10 strength for weapon wielding is problematic, but double is not, so a more striker-like BD rule would be:
Battledress multiplies effective strength for most purposes by ×2, for lifting and encumbrance by ×10, but is ×1 (no change) for wounds taken. It also provides a DM+2 for surprise. Endurance for purposes of combat swings and other encumbrance related tasks is effectively unlimited; endurance for purposes of wakefulness remains unmodified.