SOC-14 1K
Hello all,
While working on calculating the contact penetration characteristic for a MD gun CBM round I'm not sure I've been calculating the values correctly.
The CPR gun example is for a TL 9 11 cm Medium velocity gun.
Per DS 2 Step L5 CBM the following criteria is presented:
1. The round is available at TL 7
2. At TL 7 contact and fragmentation penetration values are both 6.
3. At TL 8 and higher contact penetration uses the 4 cm HEAP round characteristics, which starts at 6.
4. At TL 8 and higher fragmentation penetration uses the 4 cm HE contact penetration characteristics which starts at 5.
CBM Contact Penetration
Per DS 2 L4 HEAP the round penetration value uses the HEAP Penetration Modifier Table on DST page 8 based on TL and gun type. Tech Level counts down the rows, while and gun types medium, high and hyper velocity count up the rows.
The CBM example appears to start the HEAP Contact penetration value for a 4 cm at 6 and counts down, per the HEAP Penetration Modifier Table, 5 rows.
What happened to the requirement that the HEAP contact penetration is modified by gun type?
While working on calculating the contact penetration characteristic for a MD gun CBM round I'm not sure I've been calculating the values correctly.
The CPR gun example is for a TL 9 11 cm Medium velocity gun.
Per DS 2 Step L5 CBM the following criteria is presented:
1. The round is available at TL 7
2. At TL 7 contact and fragmentation penetration values are both 6.
3. At TL 8 and higher contact penetration uses the 4 cm HEAP round characteristics, which starts at 6.
4. At TL 8 and higher fragmentation penetration uses the 4 cm HE contact penetration characteristics which starts at 5.
CBM Contact Penetration
Per DS 2 L4 HEAP the round penetration value uses the HEAP Penetration Modifier Table on DST page 8 based on TL and gun type. Tech Level counts down the rows, while and gun types medium, high and hyper velocity count up the rows.
The CBM example appears to start the HEAP Contact penetration value for a 4 cm at 6 and counts down, per the HEAP Penetration Modifier Table, 5 rows.
What happened to the requirement that the HEAP contact penetration is modified by gun type?