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Striker Book 3 DS 4 Design example


SOC-14 1K
I'm not sure about including the entry for number of targets that a MRL can engage since the weapon saturates an area which can have multiple targets.

Anyway here is my design, without number of targets that can be engaged.

Vehicle-mounted 12 cm 12 tube MRL (Tech Level 9)

Weight: 872 kg; Volume: 6.92 m^3; Price: Cr380,120
Crew normal/minimum: 6/2
Blast shield: No
Gun Stabilization Gear: No
Autoloader: No
Ammunition carrier: No
Ammunition Carrier Crew: none
Signature DM: +3

Indirect Fire Characteristics:
ROF: 12
Short range rocket type Range: 8.5 km
Accuracy: +0 up 1/2 range; -4 over 1/2 range
Set-up time: 6 turns

Remote MRL capability: None

Ammunition Data:
Rockets weigh 14 kg each

HE: Price Cr56; Contact pen/burst size/frag pen: 15/2/3
KEAP: Price Cr56; Contact pen, effective/long/extreme: 26/24/22
KEAPER: Price Cr61.6; Contact pen, effective/long/extreme: 24/22/20
HEAP: Cr84; Contact pen: 38
CBM: Cr168; Contact pen/burst size/frag pen/hit DM: 21/12/7/+0
Flechette: Cr280; Contact pen/hit DM/danger space: 2/+5/0 cm
Illum: Cr112; Illumination radius/time: 70cm/2 turns
Chaff: Cr112; Illumination radius/time: 70cm/2 turns
Ch. Smoke: Cr112; Cloud size/burn time: 2 x 2 cm/4 turns
In. Smoke: Cr56; Cloud size/burn time: 2 x 2 cm/2 turns
Chemical: Cr112; Cloud Size/agent/virulence/time/wound: 2 x 2 cm/persistent/non-lethal/game ends/serious

Laser guidance: Cr800
Variable ballistics: Cr80
Morning all,

I just noticed that I didn't mention that the ammuntion data is for a short range rocket and that while the launcher is 12 cm my data is for an 8 cm rocket

Change the data from:
Ammunition Data:
Rockets weigh 14 kg each

HE: Price Cr56; Contact pen/burst size/frag pen: 15/2/3
KEAP: Price Cr56; Contact pen, effective/long/extreme: 26/24/22
KEAPER: Price Cr61.6; Contact pen, effective/long/extreme: 24/22/20
HEAP: Cr84; Contact pen: 38
CBM: Cr168; Contact pen/burst size/frag pen/hit DM: 21/12/7/+0
Flechette: Cr280; Contact pen/hit DM/danger space: 2/+5/0 cm
Illum: Cr112; Illumination radius/time: 70cm/2 turns
Chaff: Cr112; Illumination radius/time: 70cm/2 turns
Ch. Smoke: Cr112; Cloud size/burn time: 2 x 2 cm/4 turns
In. Smoke: Cr56; Cloud size/burn time: 2 x 2 cm/2 turns
Chemical: Cr112; Cloud Size/agent/virulence/time/wound: 2 x 2 cm/persistent/non-lethal/game ends/serious

Ammunition Data:
Rockets weigh 40 kg each

HE: Price Cr160; Contact pen/burst size/frag pen: 20/3/4
KEAP: Price C160; Contact pen, effective/long/extreme: 31/28/25
KEAPER: Price Cr176; Contact pen, effective/long/extreme: 29/27/25
HEAP: Cr240; Contact pen: 44
CBM: Cr480; Contact pen/burst size/frag pen/hit DM: 21/62/7/+1
Flechette: Cr800; Contact pen/hit DM/danger space: 2/+6/0 cm
Illum: Cr320; Illumination radius/time: 87 cm/2 turns
Chaff: Cr320; Illumination radius/time: 87 cm/2 turns
Ch. Smoke: Cr320; Cloud size/burn time: 2 x 2 cm/6 turns
In. Smoke: Cr160; Cloud size/burn time: 2 x 2 cm/2 turns
Chemical: Cr320; Cloud Size/agent/virulence/time/wound: 2 x 2 cm/persistent/non-lethal/game ends/serious