Actually, it MIGHT work on Win2K, the documentation on the third-party components is ambiguous. The current range is looking like ...
Windows 2000 (maybe)
Windows 2003
Windows XP
Windows Vista (32 bit and 64 bit)
Windows 2008 (32 bit and 64 bit)
That's four, possibly five, generations of Windows it WILL be compatable with. Windows 3 and Windows 9x are long dead lines.
They might be long dead to you, but I'm in the land where we tried once to stem the progress of the tide, and I'm still trying to stem the tide of progress.
Personally, I have a deep-rooted objection to phoning Mr Gates everytime I want to reload the software I bought for ten times the price his rival is asking, but I don't want to get into a political debate. It's just one reason why I do what I do.
If you didn't need a Master's in Geekology just to turn it on, I'd have been using the Open Source stuff long ago. AFAIK, that's still about loading this here and that there, then adding a couple of files in this folder and a few more in that folder... I don't know enough to tinker!
All I do is write a couple of letters, visit CotI and poke about with a spreadsheet. I'd still be on Win 95 if it spoke to USB sticks... Grumble, mutter...
On the Windows NT line NT3.51 and NT4 are long dead, mainstream support for Windows 2000 has ended and will end for Windows XP at the end of this year. (Curiously, for Windows XP only Professional and Tablet will have an extended support phase, not Home or Media Centre. *)
I had to make a choice between fossil tech and current tech ... I chose current tech but hopefully that means it'll also work on Vista's successor when it arrives.
There you go, XP is on its way out and I haven't even entered its market.
Of course, you have to go where the market takes you, and I'm well aware I'm a grouchy old fossil. What the hell is Windows 2008? Last I heard, Vista was little more than a view on the horizon. I didn't even know it was on sale yet... Shows how out of touch I am. :nonono:
And I'm not excluding earlier versions of Windows just to be snarky, I'm using technologies that are only supported on the above list ... when Beta testing starts (not for a long time yet) if someone thinks they can hack them to work on older machines they are welcome to try.
(* = Last time I checked.)
I know you're not being snarky, Hemdian, it's me being facetious. As I said, you have to follow the market, and I'll have to keep up where I can. Hell, most of my system and star chart generation is done with pencil and paper at present - how outdated is that?
When I find a some computer software that can create
custom universes anywhere near as flexibly as P&P I'll invest in it immediately, even if it means buying a dedicated computer to run it on - but I can't see that happening anytime soon. Software, like the hardware, has to be produced for the masses, not for grumpy ascetic heretics like me.
As for hacking in favour of 9x, hackers are all cutting edge guys. They're not going to retrofit anything.
"Ethelbert! Stop laughing and pass me that towel."