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Subsector mapping

Thanks for the clarification. That's pretty much what I thought it was - a bit like the way you can run Dos inside Windows.

I can do a straight reinstall - carefully following my notes - the ability to do so freely whenever I want is one of my major objections to XP.

But a Windows reinstall is really just a matter of putting the disc in and going for a coffee (or going to bed for the night in the case of XP - another objection).

Where I fall down is with systems like Linux where (I believe) the install is more like sitting down for a couple of hours and personally inserting a whole list of files in different locations - if you can find the files and locations in question. And then, I believe, the same every time you load new applications. I could be wrong here - I hope I am, cos I really don't want to go down the road Microsoft is headed, and I think I'll have to give up on Win 98 soon, virtual disc or no. Nobody's writing software for it any more. ;)
Where I fall down is with systems like Linux where (I believe) the install is more like sitting down for a couple of hours and personally inserting a whole list of files in different locations - if you can find the files and locations in question. And then, I believe, the same every time you load new applications.

This is drifting way off topic, but I can recommend tinkering with Puppy Linux as a way of finding out ( http://puppylinux.com/ ). If you can download a .iso file and burn it to a CD (e.g. using the freeware "Deep Burner" tool for Windows), then it boots from CD, and can save to a bootable USB stick. And then you can boot the same machine into either Windows or Linux interchangeably while you get comfortable with the new environment. I have Linux USB sticks for all my Windows machines.... perhaps that's got something to do with my handle, though :)
I'm the developer of Traveller Universe and here is the latest from Rumour Control:

Version 1.7 is old but it is still supported (I'm still getting support calls for it) and its still in production (I have to burn another batch of disks this weekend for the BITS eBay store). A few months ago I go my first Vista machine and can confirm that Universe WILL run on it ... the install needs to be tweaked, you need to run in compatability mode, and you need to download a file from Microsoft to make the help work, but it does run. If I get time I'll write up my notes on Vista installs and post them.

Hi, Hemdian.

Just wondering if you ever got around to writing up the notes on running Universe under Vista? I suspect I'm going to be needing the information soon... :\
Hi, Hemdian.

Just wondering if you ever got around to writing up the notes on running Universe under Vista? I suspect I'm going to be needing the information soon... :\

Actually, I was gonna write him a PM, but I'll just "me too" this post.

I bought it about a month ago, but am just now getting around to try and get it to run on Vista....
I can't remember if I had any install problems (probably) but once installed "Traveller Universe" and "IBconsole" must both be set to run under Windows XP compatability mode (right-click their shortcuts and show properties).

Next, even though InterBase Manager says server is running its not. So run IBconsole and log in before starting Universe. Once Universe displays its main grid you should be able to exit IBconsole (I usually leave it running but minimised).


I'm going to write up step-by-step what the installer tries to do so people can fix it themselves if it hic-cups (which it occassionally does, even on Windows XP machines). Such instructions would be identical for Windows XP and Windows Vista.
While it great to see ongoing software development in the Traveller World, I was really impressed with the www.travellermap.com site, and the other wonderful on-line mapping resources.

One file I'm looking for is a list of Subsectors for each Sector, does anyone know where such a gem could be found?
I have a few issues with the Universe software. I love it, but it is only good for the Imperium in CT or MT era (less the latter). When I have tried to import data from SEC files that do not cover the Imperium I have encountered duplication of alliance codes by way different stellar governments/empires. And when it comes to TNE, the government codes for Wilds seems not to be supported at import.

In general the standard UWP is very limited when the mapped universe expands. Something which probably needs to be addressed sooner or later.
When I have tried to import data from SEC files that do not cover the Imperium I have encountered duplication of alliance codes by way different stellar governments/empires. And when it comes to TNE, the government codes for Wilds seems not to be supported at import.

Could you send me a list of all the allegiances (code and name) you have problems with? There are a number of codes already set up that are for TNE ... its possible that whoever* consolidated the codes changed some to get rid of duplicates (if this is so then it might be a simple fix to use translations in the IEL file). If there are a few missed allegiances we could give them new codes (and again use IEL translations).

Alternatively if its substantial then it may require a more complicated enhancement to TU2. But since I'm in the middle of revamping the whole import/export section right now anyway, now is the ideal time to raise these issues.

Regards Hemdian

* = I'll have to dig out my notes, IIRC it was someone in the HIWG.
The one time I encountered this I had imported the data for mendan. Then I tried another sector spinward of Foreven (I don't remember which now as it is almost a year since I tried it) I encountered the duplicate alliance codes, but also duplicate base codes.

What I would do is to assign each alliance a key value and a prefered alliance code.
For bases I would have a system were bases are divided into type and ownership. Thus a base situated outside the Imperium may still use it's old UWP value, but it will also have a relation to a table where ownership is listed.

One feature I really would like to see is the possibility to have UWP for the same system ove several campaign eras. Thus no need to change database as the campaing progresses. This would be very usefull for Hard Times campaigns.

I know that UWP is just a snap shot of the time of survey, but as most values change at glacial speeds it won't be any problems. It is up to the referee to assign a change date for a given system. This could be set globaly at import or sector generation.

Support for UWP decline due to HT and Virus effects would also be nice.