Anise Subsector, in position D of Magyar Sector, is almost entirely within the Imperium and borders the Solomani Confederation. But there are no naval bases. What does this imply about the subsector fleet?
The Rebellion Sourcebook describes Anise as being defended by the 20th Fleet. Neighboring Clown subsector has a base, is almost all Imperial, but doesn't have an associated numbered fleet. I don't know what year the Sourcebook is set in: it looks like all of Clown is within the Confederation.
- Is the fleet operated out of neighboring subsectors?
- Operating within Anise, but without the benefit of having a base?
- Could you just not have a subsector fleet? Seems unwise, given the proximity of the Confederation and the number of hi pop worlds.
- Or is this situation so messed up a base MUST be somewhere within the subsector?
The Rebellion Sourcebook describes Anise as being defended by the 20th Fleet. Neighboring Clown subsector has a base, is almost all Imperial, but doesn't have an associated numbered fleet. I don't know what year the Sourcebook is set in: it looks like all of Clown is within the Confederation.