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Suresh Kuypene, Retired Ward level athlete

Suresh Kuypene, Retired Ward level athlete 899B97 Age 46 7 terms
Sport-4, Blade Cbt-3, Position-2, Melee Cbt-1, Instruction-1, Leader-1, Medical-1, Acrobatics-1, Stealth-1
2 Awards, Yacht, Travellers'

<military maneuvers>
"We know it's rough out there. That's what keeps you employed. But no one wants to sit and recuperate while the rest of your squad get a a success bonus on their next ticket..."
<Robot and soldier stand side by side, then their images merge and morph into a cybernetic being while amorphous blobs suddenly form the letters IRONFLESH>
"Class A registered and active mercenary units are pre-approved to enroll personnel into our CYBEROPTION program, with its advanced proprietary technology literally at your fingertips..."
<design lab testing: arm flamethrower, grenade launcher, half meter long springblade, acrobatic leaps like from a springboard but from a flat surface, computer implant flashes as it receives data then pan back to show staff officer conducting briefing>
"Sure, you can undergo forced regeneration-if you have two months to spare and can deal with the distraction of treating half a dozen cancer outbreaks. Cost is a concern, too."
<in field testing: cybernetic troops breeze through an obstacle course, cyber fireteam mixed in with regular troops as a 'heavy' unit, cybercommandoes assault an airless Luna type base>
"You can be the 'John Wayne' on your team. And remember, if you volunteer for our Alpha program, you get the latest and greatest technology FIRST!"
<cybernetic warrior frame shows again>
"See your local IRONFLESH liaison for details. He is usually seated right next to your ticket bondsman."

<Fluttering papers in the wind blowing off a desk reveal the flatscreen displaying...>

"Today we are talking with a real legend. Onboard the newly commissioned luxury transport 'Vegan Queen' with never anything less than spectacular Suresh Kuypene. What will he surprise us with this time?"

<baseball...hits dropping precisely into gaps to avoid defenders, clouds of dust with bright spikes at knee level, flash montage of about fifty wooden bats shattering into clouds of splinters, long fly balls for home runs, spectacular circus catches, dust and spikes sliding into your face...>

"Rachusch, in sector Delta Kappa, is probably a name you haven't heard of. Perhaps you might have heard it's human name, which is Abandoned. These poor souls were out of touch with the interstellar community for over 100 years, but this formerly isolated world now stands out for three reasons: Unobtanium ore, the trace element in duralloy; a world where humans and Ainuu exist in peace; and the home of airball superstar, the Ainuu Suresh Kuypene."
<Stock footage of a world, a dual hued globe with sun and hot sterile sand to left; verdant green mixed with night, lights and shadow to right>
"There is still not much in what humans call the Polar Waste, and what natives call the Deadworld. Some seventy percent of the population still retreats into deep shelters for those weeks when the three moons are in conjunction and storms sweep out of their sterile birthing areas. It used to be months of isolation before the humans came."

Suresh has mastered the art of grinning.
You know he has a sense of humor, but rather than giving a potentially hostile tooth exposing snarl, the corners of his mouth turn up, his eyes light up and sparkle. Charisma in action.
"Suresh, let's start with what really got a lot of people paying attention to you. What is your take on the Traditionalist movement?"
Okay, we see teeth now. Suresh is NOT grinning.
"I would imagine that anyone confronted with a rule specifically designed to eliminate them would become upset over it."
We spoke in the Grand Lounge. Sitting with our backs toward that distracting G-space display, we nibbled on cheese, grapes, soy sticks; sipped herbal tea. Not at all what one expects on the dinner plate of a carnivore.
"When you broke on the scene, you personally revitalized a game that many said had become stagnant and moribund. Pitchers were blowing past hitters, and crowds were dwindling."
"Records show that during my first four years in the league, attendance had doubled. Despite that, I was evidently an embarrassment to those who wanted to keep your sport purely Terran. History shows there was a lot of resistance to letting your darker skinned brothers play, yet you are the same species. One can imagine what distress it brought to human culture, with seeing an Ainuu succeed at your sport."
His Anglic is impeccable, without accent. His still powerful physique is hidden beneath silk robes. Multiple layers of fabric hide details, yet his physical presence is still almost overpowering. He is much larger than an average Ainuu, larger even than most humans.
"So I went home."

<caves showing occupied living and working spaces, storage shelves bulging with woven baskets full of dried meats and fruit, Ainuu children catching mice and putting them in woven sacks, then bashing sacks against the floor>
"This is life on Racshush during storm season. In partnership with humans, an adventurous clan reached for the future. Without help, the Racshushi could not advance beyond their primitive state. Without help, the humans could not survive.
"Suresh was born the same year that the humans succeeded in producing portable electric power and incandescent lights. With outside lighting now available on a limited scale, hunting vermin before they infested shelter domes was much easier, so some areas that had been abandoned became useful. Electric lights made indoor food production possible, and with some leisure time, some larger and less useful caves could be used for recreation. A small group of humans refurbished one dome as an airball park.
"That same dome where he had spent so many hours observing, then coming back alone and testing to see if he really could duplicate those skills, was awash in noise and lights.
He is not alone this time."
<split screen shows younger Suresh taking swings, every contact snapping a bat in half or exploding into showers of splinters; other half shows older Suresh with duralloy bat, every contact going for distance, crowd hears a clear 'bong' with every hit. He switches to a wood bat, it explodes into splinters on the first swing>
"Living in a gravity field rated at 1.312 Terran standard is no picnic. Suresh makes it look easy. Even at his age, he has smooth, easy strokes that result in hits to every part of the field. Even casual fans paid attention when he returned in force."
<another montage of swings, home runs completely outside stadium limits, one ball tears hole in retractable roof...
<'...Fuller makes the delivery...HARD hit up the--'
'Kuypene! What a jump on the ball!'
'We have gotta see that again...look at that, not even a twitch of the ears and he is just gone.'
'Even better, look where he was standing. He is a good three meters off the base on the first base side, and he just explodes. Fantastic lateral movement.'
'He made the double-play, too.'>

"Finally, Suresh, some of your critics say that in adopting a human sport, you have abandoned your canine roots in a futile attempt to become human. Any comment?"
"That's not a very polite question. They say I am the one who is not civilized? Regardless, airball has many features that make it an analogue to the hunt. Arraying yourself alone, against overwhelming force, hand-eye coordination, use of tools, attempts to escape or steal, bursts of speed, evasion, capture, success of getting home. There is just less blood."
He is showing teeth, but the amused look of his eyes says Suresh is kidding me...right?
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Wow, I hear crickets...

In case anyone was wondering, Suresh is a Vargr analogue that is about as big as Barry Bonds post steroids. Base hitting abilities and 'spikes up' attitude come from Pete Rose, and the defensive acrobatics come from Ken Griffey Jr. and Ichiro Suzuki.

I am a casual baseball fan at best, so if someone with more experience can give me some guidance, it would be appreciated...
WOW!! That was awesome! Thanks for sharing it with us.

I work 5am to 2pm, with a bed time of about 530pm...takes forever to get to sleep in the summer. I do read the current posts, but do not have the time to do so all the time.

I really appreciate the time you spend in creating fascinating characters.

Thanks again for sharing with us.
...trying to make an Irish guy blush?

I appreciate those kind words.

I am testing some character generation rules for athletes, and these are the first two I came up with. There will be one more that will go in the book, then I have to return to the advanced character generation.
CT is done, and a college module.

I guess my writing Muse is returning.
updated writeup

<military maneuvers, combat footage>
"We know it's rough out there. That's what keeps you employed. But no one wants to sit and

recuperate while the rest of your squad gets shares from a success bonus on their next

<Robot and soldier stand side by side, then their images merge and morph into a cybernetic

being while amorphous blobs suddenly form the letters IRONFLESH>
"Class A registered and active mercenary units are pre-approved to enroll personnel into

our CYBEROPTION program, with its advanced proprietary technology literally at your

[click here to determine your current status with Mercenary Registration]
<design lab testing: arm flamethrower, grenade launcher, half meter long switchblade,

acrobatic leaps like from a springboard but from a flat surface, computer implant flashes

as it receives data then pan back to show staff officer conducting briefing>
"Sure, you can undergo forced regeneration-if you have two months to spare and can deal

with the distraction of treating half a dozen cancer outbreaks. Cost is a concern, too."
[click here for current general issue cybernetics packages]
<in field testing: cybernetic troops breeze through an obstacle course, cyber fireteam

mixed in with regular troops as a 'heavy' unit, cybercommandoes assault an airless Luna

type base>
"You can be the 'John Wayne' on your team. And remember, if you volunteer for our Alpha

program, you get the latest and greatest technology FIRST!"
[click here for Alpha program registration]
<cybernetic warrior frame shows again>
[click here for instant access to IRONFLESH representatives]
"See your local IRONFLESH liaison for details. Easy to find, he is usually seated right

next to your ticket bondsman."

<Fluttering papers in the wind blowing off a desk reveal the flatscreen displaying>

Suresh Kuypene, Retired Ward level Athlete 899B97 Age 46 7 terms
Sport-4, Blade Cbt-3, Position-2, Melee Cbt-1, Instruction-1, Leader-1, Medical-1,

Acrobatics-1, Stealth-1
2 Awards, Yacht, Travellers'

"Today we are talking with a real legend. On board the newly commissioned luxury transport

'Vegan Queen' with never anything less than spectacular Suresh Kuypene. What will he

surprise us with this time?"

"Rachusch, in sector Delta Kappa, is probably a name you haven't heard of. Perhaps you

might have heard it's human name, which is Abandoned. These poor souls were out of touch

with the interstellar community for over 100 years, but this formerly isolated world now
stands out for three reasons: Unobtanium ore, the trace element in duralloy; a world where

humans and Ainuu exist in peace; and the home of airball superstar, the Ainuu Suresh


Suresh has mastered the art of grinning.
You know he has a sense of humor, but rather than giving a potentially hostile tooth

exposing snarl, the corners of his mouth turn up, his eyes light up and sparkle. Charisma

in action.
<montage of hits dropping precisely into gaps to avoid defenders, clouds of dust with

bright spikes at knee level>
"Suresh, when you broke on the scene, you personally revitalized a game that many said had

become stagnant and moribund. Pitchers were blowing past hitters, and crowds were

"Indeed, it had been many years since someone with my talent came along. I was what your

historical records describe as a 'contact hitter' who has a high slugging and on-base

percentage. Records show that during my first four years in the league, attendance had

doubled. Perhaps I had some small novelty value as well."
"Any reason for the exposed spikes?"
"Call it youthful enthusiasm."
<flash montage of about fifty wooden bats shattering into clouds of splinters>
"Let's touch on what really got a lot of people paying attention to you. What is your take

on the Traditionalist movement?"
Okay, we see teeth now. Suresh is NOT grinning.
"I would imagine that anyone confronted with a rule specifically designed to eliminate

them would become upset over it. Why else would the league return to wooden bats when

aluminum bats had been in use for over one hundred thirty years?"
We spoke in the Grand Lounge. Sitting with our backs toward that distracting G-space

display, we nibbled on cheese, grapes, soy sticks; sipped herbal tea. Not at all what one

expects on the dinner plate of a carnivore.
"Because of my background, and despite my proven skills, I was evidently an embarrassment

to those who wanted to keep your sport purely Terran. History shows there was a lot of

resistance to letting your darker skinned brothers play, yet you are the same species. One
can imagine what distress it brought to human culture, with seeing an Ainuu succeed at

your sport."
His Anglic is impeccable, without accent. His still powerful physique is hidden beneath

silk robes. Multiple layers of fabric hide details, yet his physical presence is still

almost overpowering. He is much larger than an average Ainuu, larger even than most

"So I went home."

<Stock footage of a world, a dual hued globe with sun and hot sterile sand to left;

verdant green mixed with night, lights and shadow to right>
"There is still not much in what humans call the Polar Waste, and what natives call the

Deadworld. Some seventy percent of the population still retreats into deep shelters for

those weeks when the three moons are in conjunction and storms sweep out of their sterile
birthing areas. It used to be months of isolation before the humans came."
<caves showing occupied living and working spaces, storage shelves bulging with woven

baskets full of dried meats and fruit, Ainuu children catching mice and putting them in

woven sacks, then bashing sacks against the floor>
"This is life on Racshush during storm season. In partnership with humans, an adventurous

clan reached for the future. Without help, the Racshushi could not advance beyond their

primitive state. Without help, the humans could not survive.
"Suresh was born the same year that the humans succeeded in producing portable electric

power and incandescent lights. With outside lighting now available on a limited scale,

hunting vermin before they infested shelter domes was much easier, so some areas that had

been abandoned became useful. Electric lights made indoor food production possible, and

with some leisure time, some larger and less useful caves could be used for recreation. A

small group of humans refurbished one dome as an airball park.
"That same dome where he had spent so many hours observing, then coming back alone and

testing to see if he really could duplicate those skills, was awash in noise and lights.
"He is not alone this time."
<split screen shows younger Suresh taking swings, every contact snapping a bat in half or

exploding into showers of splinters; other half shows older Suresh with duralloy bat,

every contact going for distance, crowd hears a clear 'bong' with every hit. He switches

to a wood bat, it explodes into splinters on the first swing>
"Living in a gravity field rated at 1.173 Terran standard is no picnic. Even healthy

people are unprepared for the strain of suddenly carrying extra weight. Suresh makes it

look easy. Even at his age, he has smooth, easy strokes that result in hits to every part

of the field. Even casual fans paid attention when he returned in force."

<another montage of swings, long fly balls for home runs, home runs completely outside

stadium limits, one ball tears hole in retractable roof>
<'...Fuller makes the delivery...HARD hit up the--'
'Kuypene! What a jump on the ball!'
'We have gotta see that again...look at that, he's set, not even a twitch of the ears and

then he is just gone.'
'Even better, look where he was standing. He is a good three meters off second base on the

first base side, and he just explodes. Fantastic lateral movement.'
'He made the double play, too.'>

"Suresh, some of your critics say that in adopting a human sport, you have abandoned your

canine roots in a futile attempt to become human. Any comment?"
"That's not a very polite question. They say I am the one who is not civilized?"
"There are those who wonder why you spent so long at a human sport when you could have

used your talents in another area." "Regardless, airball has many features that make it an

analogue to the hunt. Arraying yourself alone, against overwhelming force, hand-eye

coordination, use of tools, attempts to escape or steal, bursts of speed, evasion,

capture, success of getting home. There is just less blood."
He is showing teeth, but the amused look of his eyes says Suresh is kidding me...right?