Suspended Light Lasers Rely on pregenerated laser energy that is dispensed from the weapon, at higher tech levels they can be kept constantly charging and pulled out for immediate action.
SLL cannon TL 9
At TL 9 a means to suspend light in an array is perfected, the primary drawback being that it requires constant input of both light energy and elctricity to keep the light in supsension. they bleed 1 shot per hour and require a portion of the power source be devoted to electric input. damage is identical to laser rifle
SLL Rifle TL 10
At TL 10 increases in light supension and photo-electric technology allow the use of light energy extclusively to keep the laser charge in suspension. however they bleed 1 shot every hour, this energy is consumed keeping the rest of the charge in suspension
SLL pistol TL 10
The SLL pistol is similar to the, however it is shorter, this is possible because the charge is pregenerated and the grip simply serves as a conduit for the energy.
At TL 11 The laser cannon maybe either untethered or externally fed, damage is 1.5x a laser rifle
TL 12 untethered laser rifle
by TL 12 the light battery has gotten small enough that it can fit entirely in the body of the rifle, however no underbarrel accesories may be mounted.
TL 12 laser pistols still require an external light battery, it can be mounted as part of the holter or a small belt pack.
TL 12 laser deringers are small pistols that hold a small number of shots internally, they are untethered, but bleed down their clip quickly. They hold 5 shots and bleed 1/ 5 miutes While in there holster they are constantly charged externally reducing energy bleed to normal levels.
TL 13 untethered rifles may not mount underbarrel accesories.
TL 13 pistols may be either tethered or untethered.
TL 14 rifles my mount either a full clip or a half clip and an underbarrel accessory
TL 14 pistols may have either an integral battery or may take a clip
Power packs
Full back pack
The basic power source for the SSL laser it measures approximately 30x45x20 and masses 30kgs
*TL 9 power pack have an internal battery
Half Packs
A smaller Power supply for the SLLs they measure approximately 30x25x20 and mass 15kgs
Belt Packs another power option for SLL weapons. They measure approximately 7.5x7.5x20 and mass about 1.1 kgs
SLL rifle clips are approximately 5x5x15 They mass .5kgs
Half clips are approximately 5x5x7.5 they mass .25kgs
A carbine has an overall length of approximately 75 cm and masses approximately 2.5 kgs
a bullpup has an overall length of 50 cm and masses 1.5kgs
it may no mount any underbarrel acessories due to the fact the grip and triger are at the muzzle of
the rifle
Pistol hold a varying number of shot based on thier size and the TL
Pistol from TL 14 and on may take a clip instead of an internal charge.
Pistols may mount a stock to reduce aiming problems and act as an external battery
The stock is aproimately 10x30x3.5
SLL cannon TL 9
At TL 9 a means to suspend light in an array is perfected, the primary drawback being that it requires constant input of both light energy and elctricity to keep the light in supsension. they bleed 1 shot per hour and require a portion of the power source be devoted to electric input. damage is identical to laser rifle
SLL Rifle TL 10
At TL 10 increases in light supension and photo-electric technology allow the use of light energy extclusively to keep the laser charge in suspension. however they bleed 1 shot every hour, this energy is consumed keeping the rest of the charge in suspension
SLL pistol TL 10
The SLL pistol is similar to the, however it is shorter, this is possible because the charge is pregenerated and the grip simply serves as a conduit for the energy.
At TL 11 The laser cannon maybe either untethered or externally fed, damage is 1.5x a laser rifle
TL 12 untethered laser rifle
by TL 12 the light battery has gotten small enough that it can fit entirely in the body of the rifle, however no underbarrel accesories may be mounted.
TL 12 laser pistols still require an external light battery, it can be mounted as part of the holter or a small belt pack.
TL 12 laser deringers are small pistols that hold a small number of shots internally, they are untethered, but bleed down their clip quickly. They hold 5 shots and bleed 1/ 5 miutes While in there holster they are constantly charged externally reducing energy bleed to normal levels.
TL 13 untethered rifles may not mount underbarrel accesories.
TL 13 pistols may be either tethered or untethered.
TL 14 rifles my mount either a full clip or a half clip and an underbarrel accessory
TL 14 pistols may have either an integral battery or may take a clip
Power packs
Full back pack
The basic power source for the SSL laser it measures approximately 30x45x20 and masses 30kgs
TL shots
9 15*
10 60
11 145
12 360
13 900
14 2200
15 5400
Half Packs
A smaller Power supply for the SLLs they measure approximately 30x25x20 and mass 15kgs
TL Shots
11 75
12 180
13 450
14 1100
15 2700
Belt Packs another power option for SLL weapons. They measure approximately 7.5x7.5x20 and mass about 1.1 kgs
TL Shots
12 15
13 35
14 90
15 225
SLL rifle clips are approximately 5x5x15 They mass .5kgs
Half clips are approximately 5x5x7.5 they mass .25kgs
TL full Half
13 14
14 35 17
15 90 45
A carbine has an overall length of approximately 75 cm and masses approximately 2.5 kgs
TL shots
12 18
13 45
14 110
15 275
a bullpup has an overall length of 50 cm and masses 1.5kgs
it may no mount any underbarrel acessories due to the fact the grip and triger are at the muzzle of
the rifle
TL shots
12 12
13 30
14 70
15 185
Pistol hold a varying number of shot based on thier size and the TL
Large Med Small
13 8 5
14 20 12 6
15 50 30 15
TL shots
large med small
14 6 4
15 15 10 5
The stock is aproimately 10x30x3.5
TL shots
13 15
14 40
15 100
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