...and we picked up the game again this week after a seven month hiatus. The Boy wants to bring his friends over next weekend to play too...
Sword World Saga Session 5 10/12/2014
The landing on Hofud was quick, there was only an overnight hour turnaround as Captain Chris Lawson aboard Dace refueled, and picked up passengers and mail, and rapidly departed making for Beater. Zenton shut off Zender, and made time playing cards and games on Dace as it jetted out to a safe jump point.
Month 2, Week 2, Day 2
Sword Worlds Saga Session 6 10/15/2014
landing on Beater 685686AB Zenton reactivated Zender and noting the planetary restrictions on firearms concealed a body pistol inside of Zender. Zenton and Zender then disembarked from the Dace and went looking for someone who could tell them more about Mercenaries,
They met Bob the Hunter, and his son Young Billy (age 12) at the local Gunshop on Beater Prime. Bob the Hunter likes using laser rifles. Billy just had a hunting knife though. Bob talked Zenton into going hunting in the wilderness just North of Beater Prime, and they set off on foot into the wilderness.
They came across an enormous three-eyed flying white bear like creature with a set of wicked looking horns, and they all tried to bag it, but it flew off and got away. So they camped overnight outdoors underneath the blood red dwarf sun... Zender then remembered that the Starship Dace would likely depart first thing in the morning, and hurried off to catch his ride, but alas, was too late for the Dace had departed promptly for Joyuese first thing in the morning.
Zenton then immediately booked the first passage offworld going to Joyeuse. being down to just 3,000 or so credits, Zenton had to book a Low Passage for this trip, and then spent an extra 330 credits on a hotel and food, while waiting the three days for the Merchant Space Liner to depart.
Month 2, Week 2, Day 6
We took an intermission and watched the cryogenic sleep wake-up sequence in the movie Alien and in Alien 2 so the boy would have a good idea of what actually happens in low passage while on board a starship. I debated whether to include the opening sequence for Pitch Black, but decided against it, as the cryogenic sleepers dying was only a secondary effect of that awesome spectacular starship crash at the beginning of that movie, and I thought the crash would just distract him from the normal cryogenic survival routine.
Zenton woke up successfully on Joyeuse, at Joyeuse Starport had a big breakfast, fired up Zender, and went over to the Dace which was docked within sight of them, then he picked up his ATV. Zenton promptly went into town after that, found a clothing store that specialized in Mercenary outfits, bought a mercenary outfit, and was directed to the Offices of the 94th Greenwatch Mercenary Regiment Headquarters, where he was told a certain Captain Chris Potter was looking for new recruits to join a Vargyr combat division that had dropped onto Emerald a couple months before.
Zender was signed on aboard the Black Star, a 1,000 ton Mercenary Cruiser, as an Engineers Mate, with the understanding he would allow the regiment to use him as a driver (and his ATV, of course, as a troop transport, when they weren't in space.)
We ended this session here. Even aboard a Jump3 Cruiser, it is still going to take Zender seven Jumps and Seven weeks before anyone aboard this Mercenary Cruiser will even be able to see any Vargyr or Zhodani invasion force, or landing sites in Imperium space...
Month 3, Week 1, Day 2
I think I'm going to do up a six-page mercenary contract on legal-sized paper of course, and include a bunch of cash forfeiture clauses, and of course whole sections and maybe even whole pages in fine 8 point font print just for kicks... We'll' see if the boy will sign it, just so he can go shoot some Imperials.
Setting up for the Traveller Session in the Man-Cave
If you think you see the deck plans for a sleek, shiney, deadly new 800 Ton Fighter Carrier, you did'nt, that was just your imagination
Quickie Sketch of that Wicked Horned Flying White Bear Hunted on Beater.
New Planetary maps for Joyeuse (left) and Beater (right) done up just for the game this week. Joyeuse, the Subsector capitol is a rich green agricultural world with hot deserts at the poles.
Sword World Saga Session 5 10/12/2014
The landing on Hofud was quick, there was only an overnight hour turnaround as Captain Chris Lawson aboard Dace refueled, and picked up passengers and mail, and rapidly departed making for Beater. Zenton shut off Zender, and made time playing cards and games on Dace as it jetted out to a safe jump point.
Month 2, Week 2, Day 2
Sword Worlds Saga Session 6 10/15/2014
landing on Beater 685686AB Zenton reactivated Zender and noting the planetary restrictions on firearms concealed a body pistol inside of Zender. Zenton and Zender then disembarked from the Dace and went looking for someone who could tell them more about Mercenaries,
They met Bob the Hunter, and his son Young Billy (age 12) at the local Gunshop on Beater Prime. Bob the Hunter likes using laser rifles. Billy just had a hunting knife though. Bob talked Zenton into going hunting in the wilderness just North of Beater Prime, and they set off on foot into the wilderness.
They came across an enormous three-eyed flying white bear like creature with a set of wicked looking horns, and they all tried to bag it, but it flew off and got away. So they camped overnight outdoors underneath the blood red dwarf sun... Zender then remembered that the Starship Dace would likely depart first thing in the morning, and hurried off to catch his ride, but alas, was too late for the Dace had departed promptly for Joyuese first thing in the morning.
Zenton then immediately booked the first passage offworld going to Joyeuse. being down to just 3,000 or so credits, Zenton had to book a Low Passage for this trip, and then spent an extra 330 credits on a hotel and food, while waiting the three days for the Merchant Space Liner to depart.
Month 2, Week 2, Day 6
We took an intermission and watched the cryogenic sleep wake-up sequence in the movie Alien and in Alien 2 so the boy would have a good idea of what actually happens in low passage while on board a starship. I debated whether to include the opening sequence for Pitch Black, but decided against it, as the cryogenic sleepers dying was only a secondary effect of that awesome spectacular starship crash at the beginning of that movie, and I thought the crash would just distract him from the normal cryogenic survival routine.
Zenton woke up successfully on Joyeuse, at Joyeuse Starport had a big breakfast, fired up Zender, and went over to the Dace which was docked within sight of them, then he picked up his ATV. Zenton promptly went into town after that, found a clothing store that specialized in Mercenary outfits, bought a mercenary outfit, and was directed to the Offices of the 94th Greenwatch Mercenary Regiment Headquarters, where he was told a certain Captain Chris Potter was looking for new recruits to join a Vargyr combat division that had dropped onto Emerald a couple months before.
Zender was signed on aboard the Black Star, a 1,000 ton Mercenary Cruiser, as an Engineers Mate, with the understanding he would allow the regiment to use him as a driver (and his ATV, of course, as a troop transport, when they weren't in space.)
We ended this session here. Even aboard a Jump3 Cruiser, it is still going to take Zender seven Jumps and Seven weeks before anyone aboard this Mercenary Cruiser will even be able to see any Vargyr or Zhodani invasion force, or landing sites in Imperium space...
Month 3, Week 1, Day 2
I think I'm going to do up a six-page mercenary contract on legal-sized paper of course, and include a bunch of cash forfeiture clauses, and of course whole sections and maybe even whole pages in fine 8 point font print just for kicks... We'll' see if the boy will sign it, just so he can go shoot some Imperials.
Setting up for the Traveller Session in the Man-Cave

If you think you see the deck plans for a sleek, shiney, deadly new 800 Ton Fighter Carrier, you did'nt, that was just your imagination
Quickie Sketch of that Wicked Horned Flying White Bear Hunted on Beater.

New Planetary maps for Joyeuse (left) and Beater (right) done up just for the game this week. Joyeuse, the Subsector capitol is a rich green agricultural world with hot deserts at the poles.