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T20 Starship Design Contest October 2008


SOC-14 1K
With 12 ships in 30 days for the last contest, it appears that there may indeed be enough interest to continue on in the same thread.

Agricorp interstellar is currently interested in tendering for a solution to a transit problem they are having with their supply chain.

Background: Agricorp has a considerable investment in a system (Alpha) that produces large quantities of quality produce and produce derivatives. Its primary consumer is a nearby high-pop industrial system (Beta) 3 parsecs distant (reachable by 3 jump-1 transits) which has a certain demand level for luxury fresh/well preserved "real" food that Agricorp supplies.

Alpha is a fully terraformed luxury resort and agricultural planet of moderate technological level (TL-9). The central starport is Class C (Extensive ground facilities capable of landing ships up to 10,000 dTon but with no significant highport). Agricorp is centred on a different landmass to the primary starport and runs its own private starport, currently Class D (Minimal ground facilites, refined fuel, capable of handling ships up to 1,000 dTon). Most technological items and industrial items are imported from Beta due to the relative transfer costs.

Beta is a High population High Tech (TL-D) industrial world. It has extensive facilities for handling cargo in space and a large and vibrant shuttle fleet to transfer materials between the farport (at the nominal incoming jump point), the highport and the lowports.

The two systems between Alpha and Beta consist of mining operations. Both have adequate refueling provisions and primarily provide raw materials to Beta. Otherwise they are unremarkable.

Recent unpleasantness involving paramilitary operations (ie: Pirates and Raiders) have meant that a long term haulage contract has fallen through for this supply run. Previous output has been up to 10,000 dTon transferred per month, though Agricorp considers it likely that greater throughput would remain profitable. Agricorp would have no problem locating the appropriate licenses for military class vessels if this was needed as part of the solution.

Agricorp would consider tenders for any part of this solution, this includes but is not limited too:

Large Freighters
Small freighters
Q Ships
Starport vessels
Freighter Escorts


Start Date: As of posting
End Date: 1 November 2008

[1] Any size hull
[2] Jump rating depending on role in the solution
[3] any shape/streamlining
[4] As many ships/roles per entry, but enter as many as you like
[5] T20 design rules
[6] TL 9-13 preferred. TL14,15 are available
[7] Submit sufficient data to allow the design to be checked. Note any house rules or optional rules used.
[8] Provide a general description of the ship and it's intended role.
[9] Post entries here.
[10] Have Fun.
Me too.

In fact I had a design roughed out, but on checking it was screwed up. Need to rework it.

Just so you know, this will likely not get as many entries. Bigger more complex design requirements mean fewer designs. But I should have one for it :)
To clarify, we have refined fuel available at Alpha and Beta? What about the mining outposts in between?

Yup. Refined fuel available at a reasonable cost at all four locations.

far-trader; said:
Just so you know, this will likely not get as many entries.

That's true, but not from needing more complexity. Any part could include vendors trying to push simple TL13 patrol fighters "In case you need more firepower at Alpha" for example.
Just so you know, this will likely not get as many entries. Bigger more complex design requirements mean fewer designs.

That's true, but not from needing more complexity. Any part could include vendors trying to push simple TL13 patrol fighters "In case you need more firepower at Alpha" for example.

Well, I see "BIG" ship and think "oh, I can fit that in" (repeat) ;) So my statement is a truism for me anyway :D

I hadn't thought of the star-merc angle :) Might be I can fit in another solution after all. I think I have the kinks in the first idea straightened out. Just need to type it up.
First entry I guess.

Surplus Military Transport Cruiser LCT15K4 "Wagontrain"

Veltyen Industries is the preferred reseller of Imperial Navy Surplus. We currently have a pair of retired demilitarised wagontrain class transports.

The Wagontrain was originally specified as a TL13 supply wagon to keep up with and resupply naval vessels in the field with a minimum carrying capacity of 5000 dTon, Jump 4, and refueling capability.

These particular vessels have served loyally for 40 years, and have now passed into the market. The normal military crew is 200, civilian crew could be as little as 120.

dTon              Wagontrain Transport             MCr
15000             15K dTon Close Hull              900
                  Upgraded Streamlining             75
-300              Bridge                            75
-6                Computer Model/6    (-5EP)        72

-750              Jump Drive/4      (-600EP)      3000
-6000             Jump Fuel 
-750              Maneuver Drive/2  (-300EP)       525
-605              TL13 Fusion  (+605 EP)          1815
-605              Power Plant Fuel 4 Weeks  
                  Fuel Scoops                       15
-10               Fuel Purifier 400dTon/hour         0.06
                  Hardpoints (30)                    3
-20               Missile Triple Turrets            65
-10               Countermeasure Triple Turrets     17.5
-30               Secure Missile Storage             3
(-30)             Missiles (600)                     3
-15               Countermeasure Storage (300)  
(-15)             Countermeasures (300)              0.12

-156              Hangars 30dTon (4)                 0.312
-247              Hanagrs 95dTon (2)                 0.494
-10               Maintenance Shop                   2
-480              Staterooms (120)                  60
-2                Lowberth(4)                        0.2
-2                Freshers(4)                        0.008
-2                Autodoc(4)                         4
(-16)             Sickbay (4 Patients)              10
(-12)             Engineering Shop(2)                2
-5000             Cargo 
          Total Cost       6650 MCr/ 3990 (40% discount on age)


We would suggest if time and money is tight is a minor refit. This increases the capacity dramatically, at significant cost of operational endurance and range. The estimated civilian crew requirement is 115.

dTon           Wagontrain Transport (Minor Refit)   MCr
15000             15K dTon Close Hull              900
                  Upgraded Streamlining             75
-300              Bridge                            75
-3                Computer Model/3    (-1EP)        18      (3)
-750              Jump Drive/4      (-600EP)      3000
-4500             Jump Fuel (Jump 3 Only)                (1500) 
-750              Maneuver Drive/2  (-300EP)       525
-605              TL13 Fusion  (+605 EP)          1815
-305              Power Plant Fuel 2 Weeks                (300)
                  Fuel Scoops                       15
                  Fuel Purifier Removed                    (10)
                  Hardpoints (30)                    3
-10               Missile Triple Turrets            32.5   (10)
-10               Countermeasure Triple Turrets     17.5
-15               Secure Missile Storage             1.5   (15)
(-15)             Missiles (300)                     1.5
-15               Countermeasure Storage (300)  
(-15)             Countermeasures (300)              0.12

-78               Hangars 30dTon (2)                 0.156 (78)
-247              Hanagrs 95dTon (2)                 0.494
(-10)             Maintenance Shop                   2     (10)
-480              Staterooms (120)                  60
-2                Lowberth(4)                        0.2
-2                Freshers(4)                        0.008
-2                Autodoc(4)                         4
(-16)             Sickbay (4 Patients)              10
(-12)             Engineering Shop(2)                2
-6926             Cargo 
          Total Cost       6560 (if built new)

Lastly a major refit could be done. This reduces the size of the computer systems, power plant and jump drive and significantly changes the capabilities of the vessel and remodels the living spaces. Estimated Crew requirement is 105.

dTon           Wagontrain Transport (Major Refit)   MCr
15000             15K dTon Close Hull              900
                  Upgraded Streamlining             75
-300              Bridge                            75
-2                Computer Model/2bis    (-0EP)     16      (4)
-600              Jump Drive/3      (-450EP)      2400    (150)
-4500             Jump Fuel                              (1500) 
-750              Maneuver Drive/2  (-300EP)       525
-450              TL13 Fusion  (+450 EP)          1350    (155)
-225              Power Plant Fuel 2 Weeks                (380)
                  Fuel Scoops                       15
                  Fuel Purifier Removed                    (10)
                  Hardpoints (30)                    3
-10               Missile Triple Turrets            32.5   (10)
-10               Countermeasure Triple Turrets     17.5
-15               Secure Missile Storage             1.5   (15)
(-15)             Missiles (300)                     1.5
-15               Countermeasure Storage (300)  
(-15)             Countermeasures (300)              0.12

-78               Hangars 30dTon (2)                 0.156 (78)
-247              Hanagrs 95dTon (2)                 0.494
(-10)             Maintenance Shop                   2     (10)
-240              Staterooms (60)                   30    (240)
-5                Lowberth(10)                       0.5   (-3)
-2                Freshers(4)                        0.008
-1                Autodoc(2)                         2      (1)
(-16)             Sickbay (4 Patients)              10
(-12)             Engineering Shop(2)                2
-7550             Cargo 
       Total Cost       5460 MCr (If built new)


This is not intended to be a full solution. Critically there is no way to quickly load and unload the vessel at system Alpha. Additionally there is a considerable lead time if a major refit is required.
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A couple questions

Assumption, the 10,000 shipped per month is 10,000 from Alpha Delivered to Beta correct?

Any more detail on the threat level posed by Raiders/Pirates (General # and size of ships, for example raids by 4 / 400 ton Corsairs)

Are there Gas Giants or Oceans to be skimmed at the 2 Jump-1 Systems?
Assumption, the 10,000 shipped per month is 10,000 from Alpha Delivered to Beta correct?

Correct. However it is just a scaling amount, an order of magnitude indication if you like.

Any more detail on the threat level posed by Raiders/Pirates (General # and size of ships, for example raids by 4 / 400 ton Corsairs)

Enough to cause a shipping company pull out of a lucrative contract. :)

Pirates: The occasional single or small number of armed corsair/far trader/seeker
Radiers: Mostly small raiding fleets (2-5 corsairs or equivalent) the occasional light capital (2000 dTon Light Destroyer) from interpolity sources.

Are there Gas Giants or Oceans to be skimmed at the 2 Jump-1 Systems?

You can assume yes.
Another Design

Model L600J3 light Freighter

A built for purpose design capable of flying the full route solo and still moderately able to defend itself.

dTon             Light Freighter       TL13      MCr
600              600 dTon Close Hull              36
                 Upgraded Streamlining             3
-20              Bridge                            3
-2               Computer Model/2bis (-0EP)       16

-18              Jump Drive/3       (-18EP)       96
-180             Jump Fuel 
-30              Maneuver Drive/2   (-12EP)       21
-18              TL13 Fusion  (+18 EP)            54
-18              Power Plant Fuel 4 Weeks  
                 Hardpoints (6)                   0.6
-2               Missile Triple Turrets           6.5
-4               Countermeasure Triple Turrets    7
-2               Secure Missile Storage           0.2
(-2)             Missiles (40)                    0.2
-3               Countermeasure Storage (60)  
(-3)             Countermeasures (60)             0.024
-32              Staterooms (8)                   4
-265             Cargo 
          Total Cost       250 MCr/ 200 MCr (in bulk)



Assuming a cycle time of 17 days (about the absolute minimum it could be) then a single freighter could complete the trip 20 times a year - and 23 could deliver the desired amount (10,160/month). A slightly more realistic turn around time of 22 days (14 in jump, 3 at beta, 5 at alpha) allows 15 trips a year, requiring 30 vessels (9937.5/month). The minimum expected cycles per year would be 11, which would result in a required fleet of 42 vessels.

Assuming that this concept was gone forward with a permanently dedicated shipyard would be required to constantly build vessels for this purpose. A fleet of 42 vessels would require 77 years to build up to from scratch in a single shipyard, assuming none were lost to accident or violence.

Facilities at the downport at Alpha would need to be upgraded to attend to up to 4 vessels in drydock for their yearly overhaul at any one time, as well as several vessels a day landing.
Sin City Express

Sin City Express:

Pre-dating the current crisis and designed to fill the need of an elite clientele who needed to travel to and from the resort world but wanted to travel in comfort, the 'Sin City Express' (SCE) represents a special gift from those who believe that they are worth it, to themselves.

Flawless service is the hallmark of the SCE, and with 24 Stewards and a capacity of only 32 passengers, one need never want for attention. The quality of service being as important as it’s quantity, there are 8 Humanesque Robotic Stewards to perform the thousands of menial tasks needed to pamper the SCE’s demanding guests – quickly, efficiently and 24 hours per day. For the more personal tasks, cold hard robotic hands and an emotionless face will not suffice, that is why the SCE also provides 8 Humaniform Robotic Stewards, virtually indistinguishable from an actual person except for their relentless desire to serve. For those tasks which no robot can ever do as well as a real live person, the SCE employs 8 highly trained and completely professional, flesh-and-blood Steward/Entertainers.

“Too much is not enough” is the motto on the SCE, and virtually everyone who travels aboard is amazed at the plush and spacious accommodations. With over 200 tons of space dedicated to the comfort, pleasure and entertainment of only 32 guests, the SCE provides the equivalent of more than 1.5 ‘staterooms’ per passenger and every inch is crafted to the highest standards at over 4 times the cost per ton of a typical ‘high passage’ accommodation.

The SCE has no ‘middle’ or ‘low’ passages and the right to ‘bid’ on one of the 31 available rooms is carefully regulated by social status with any room subject to being bumped by someone of higher standing.

Each of the 16 Standard Staterooms come equipped with a standard size bed, personal writing desk and private refresher in an impeccably decorated, yet efficient 2 ton space. And even these compact ‘Business Class’ accommodations provide full access to the service and facilities that have made travel on the SCE an unforgettable experience.

The 8 Deluxe Staterooms add a full size bed and a small sitting area in a slightly larger 3 ton space.

Those with both the means and station to earn one of the 4 Standard Suites will not be disappointed with the upgrade. With 4 tons of private space all to yourself, one can enjoy the Queen size bed and have ample room to work or play in private. Included with any of the suites, is a full-time personal steward.

There are only 2 Deluxe Suites available and they are usually occupied by a member of the Imperial Aristocracy. The 6 ton 2-room suite provides a king sized bed for sleeping and a private sitting room for entertaining guests.

The best accommodation on the SCE is the spectacular Emperor’s Suite – a 10 ton, 3 room suite designed to accommodate 2 guests in complete luxury and security. This suite is available only to those of the rank of Baron or higher and is often used by visiting members of the Moot.

The accommodations on the Sin City Express, while impressive, are literally less than half of what the SCE has to offer – with over 100 tons of luxurious tropical paradise designed to provide a feast for all of the senses.

Listen: to the gentle rhythm of the waves lapping on the private beach, the continuous party of the live band in the Marti Gras Court, or the soft sounds of a blues piano in a quiet lounge – to name just a few.

See: the spectacular simulated sunrises and sunsets from some secluded balcony overlooking a deserted beach, the live entertainers to awe and delight you, private screenings of the latest TriD videos on demand.

Smell: the heady fragrance of the ever changing tropical breezes that blow through the ship, the fragrant smoke from a real wood fire, or the ‘nose’ of some exceptional exotic liquor.

Taste: the millions of flavor combinations available from our chefs as they meticulously prepare each banquet to your personal specifications and complete satisfaction.

Feel: the deep cleansing of a volcanic mud bath, the complete relaxation of an oiled massage, or the excitement of dancing until dawn – in a formal ball, or barefoot in the sand.

Experience: the unforgettable - bid on works of art at a private auction, wear a jeweled creation made exclusively for you and this trip, test you skill and luck at the casino
… or the unimaginable – our Full-Immersion Virtual Reality Suite will let you experience things that others cannot even dream of.

Sin City Express, where too much is never enough … because you are worth it.

Fares aboard the SCE for a Standard Stateroom are 3 times the cost of a Jump-1 High Passage – 30,000 credits or about the same as travelling the route on a Jump-1 ship and include unrestricted use of the passenger amenities for two full weeks. A Deluxe Stateroom costs 45,000 credits, a Standard Suite costs 60,000 credits, a Deluxe Suite costs 90,000 credits and the Emperor’s Suite costs 150,000 credits (for 2 passengers). The auction, casino, jeweler and rare vintages (wine) add an average of 10,000 credits per passenger to the ship’s revenue during their 2 week stay.

The ship’s crew consists of 6 operational crew members (Pilot, Astrogator, 3 Engineers, and a Gunner/Security Officer - each cross trained in at least two positions) and 26 passenger support crew members (2 Medics, 8 Stewards and 16 robotic stewards).

The SCE was never intended or expected to operate with a full ‘load’ of passengers. Traditionally, it averaged only about 13 passengers during the Off-season and about 26 passengers during the Peak-season.

An unexpected consequence of the current troubles, is an increase in the number of Business passengers willing to spend more for the speed and safety of the SCE – with the pampering as a pleasant bonus. The crisis has boosted the number of passengers to about 20 Off-Season and a full 30 to 32 Peak-season.

[B]Sin City Express[/B]
TL13  Design Specifications             Size Cost (MCr) EP       Notes
600-ton SL flattened sphere hull 	+ 600 	48	- 	-
Bridge Controls			 	- 20 	3 	- 	-
Model/3 Computer		 	- 2.2 	12.6	- 1 	Model/3
Flight Avionics			 	(0.4) 	(0.9) 	- 	Model/1
Medium Range Sensors		 	(0.9) 	(1.8) 	- 	Model/3
Medium Range Communications	 	(0.6) 	(1.5) 	- 	Model/3
3-G Acceleration			- 48 	24  	- 18 	-
J-3 Jump Drive				- 24 	96  	- 18 	-
TL13 Fusion Power Plant		 	- 20 	60 	+ 20 	-
Fuel (4 weeks)				- 20 	- 	- 	-
Fuel (jump 3)				- 180 	- 	- 	-
TL13 Fuel Purification Plant	 	- 5 	0.03 	- 	-
3 points of Armor (TL 13)	 	- 36 	7.5 	- 	-
1 Hardpoint with a Triple Turret	- 1 	1.1 	- 	-
(2) Missile Racks (TL 13) USP2		(0.66) 	1.5 	0	2att@USP2
(1) Pulse Laser (TL 13)			(0.66) 	0.5 	- 1	1att@USP2
8 Crew Staterooms		 	- 32 	4.0 	- 	-
8 Steward Half-Staterooms	 	- 16 	2.0 	- 	-
8 Robot Stewards		 	- 0 	1.6 	- 	(Humanesque)
8 Robot Stewards		 	- 0 	6.4 	- 	(Humaniform)
Sick Bay*			 	- 8 	20.0 	- 	-
32 High Passage Staterooms*	 	- 128 	64.0 	- 	-
Casino/Lounge*			 	- 64 	32.0 	- 	-
Cargo				 	- 4.2 	0 	- 	-
Totals			  	  	    MCr 384.23 	 
					   (MCr 307.4 with 20% discount)

Crew =     Pilot, Astrogator, 3 Engineers, 2 Medics, Gunner (staterooms)
Stewards = 8 stewards at 1 per 4 passengers (half staterooms)
           plus 16 robotic stewards at 1 per 2 passengers.

* All public spaces cost 4x normal cost for opulent fittings. The Casino/Lounge 
provides 2 dTons of additional luxuries per passenger.
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Draconia Yards Proposal

The Draconia Imperial Ship Yard is proud to enter our bid for the proposed contract.

The Proposal is based on 4 pieces

1. Dracon class Container Transport
2. Mule Class Cargo Container Lighter
3. 100 ton Cargo Modules
4. Wyyvern Class Escort Boat

To meet the minimum 10,000 Dton/ month delivery schedule the following will be needed

3 Dracon Class Container Transports
106 100 ton Cargo Modules
10 Mule Cargo Lighters
6 Wyyvern escorts

Total Purchase Cost 8052.95 Mcr

We reccomend 3 escorts, 2 lighters and 20 cargo modules be positioned in the Alpha and Beta Systems. As Transports arrive in system all 4 lighters begin swapping cargo modules loaded on the ground and on the transport.

Operational plan as follows:

Arrive in system, and proceed to orbit 7 Hours
Load, Unload, Refuel at Alpha 16 Hours
Leave system, and proceed to Jump 7 Hours
Jump to Beta 168 Hours
Arrive in system, and proceed to orbit 7 Hours
Load, Unload, Refuel at Beta 16 Hours
Leave system, and proceed to Jump 7 Hours
Jump to Alpha 168 Hours

With this systems 11200 dtons can be moved every 4 weeks, increases in demand can be met by adding additional Transports with support equipment.

Ship Design Details
Dracon Class Container Transport

The Dracon was joint design between Baraccai Technum and the Draconia Colony, to bring Supplies, and Equipment to the New Colony. The 4 500 ton bays can carry Cargo Modules, Bulk Ore, Ships (often Wyyvern Or Dragon Class Boats). One unique feature of this ship is it's Power Plant Fuel, it carries 200 tons of fuel in the Cargo modules of it lighters these tanks are generally left attached to the ship unless refueling operations are under way. Then then tanks are drained to the main storage, the Lighter then fill them with unrefined fuel, dock and transfer, repeat until full. The final loads of fuel are kept aboard the tanks til the ship is in jump.

Dracon Cargo Transport

5,000-ton Hull (Dispersed Structure) - Unstreamlined
AC: 9 (14 vs. Meson Guns) AR: 0 SI: 350 Initiative: 0
Starship Size: Large Cost: 1,862.247 MCr (2,327.809 MCr without discount)
Model/4 (PP: 49/13) Computer Avionics: Less than 1,000-ton Sensors: Medium Range Communications: Medium Range
Cargo: 0.0-tons Extra Ship's Stores: 40 person/weeks of Luxury Stores, 120 person/weeks of Standard Stores,
Annual Maintenance = 186.225 KCr (93.112 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 46.556 KCr/Month (465.562 KCr per year)

Jump-3 (enough fuel for 1x Jump-3)
Acceleration: 1-G Agility: 0
Power Plant: TL-12 Fusion (212 EP output, enough fuel for 0.23 weeks)
Fuel Purification Plant (TL-12, 8hrs per 200 tons of fuel)

Hardpoints: 20
20x Triple Beam Laser Turret TL-12, +3 To Hit, 3d8 (20/x1), Range: 30,000km
1x 50-ton Missile Bay TL-12, +8 To Hit, 8d6 (18/x1), Range: 90,000km

Ship's Vehicles:
4x 500-ton large craft (Internal Hangar)
2x 150-ton large craft (Internal Hangar)
Launch facilities for 1 Craft per turn

Accomodations & Fittings:
30x Single Occupancy Stateroom (45 People)
1x Engineering Shop (20 Engineers)
2x Sickbay (4 Patients)
1x Airlock

Crew Details:
7x Command Officers, 3x Command Crew
1x Flight Officers, 6x Flight Crew
1x Gunnery Officers, 2x Gunnery Crew
2x Engineering Officers, 4x Engineering Crew
1x Medical Officers, 0x Medical Crew
10x Service Crew

Cargo Module

100 tons of Cargo or Fuel 8 Mcr.

Cargo Lighter

150-ton Hull (Cone) - Streamlined
AC: 10 (11 vs. Meson Guns) AR: 0 SI: 100 Initiative: 0
Starship Size: Medium Cost: 37.978 MCr (47.473 MCr without discount)
Model/1 (PP: 28/11) Computer Avionics: Less than 600-ton Sensors: Close Range Communications: Close Range
Cargo: 0.0-tons Extra Ship's Stores: 3 person/weeks of Luxury Stores,
Annual Maintenance = 3.798 KCr (1.899 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = .949 KCr/Month (9.495 KCr per year)

Acceleration: 2-G Agility: 0
Power Plant: TL-13 Fusion (6 EP output, enough fuel for 4 weeks)
Atmospheric Speeds: NOE = 1,175kph Cruising = 3,525kph Maximum = 4,700kph

Hardpoints: 1
1x Triple Beam Laser Turret TL-11, +3 To Hit, 3d8 (20/x1), Range: 30,000km

Ship's Vehicles:
1x 100-ton large craft (Internal Hangar)
Launch facilities for 1 Craft per turn

Accomodations & Fittings:
3x Single Occupancy Stateroom (3 People)
1x Airlock

Crew Details:
1x Pilot
1x Engineer
1x Gunner

Wyyvern Escort Boat

300-ton Hull (Needle/Wedge) - Streamlined
AC: 29 (19 vs. Meson Guns) AR: 12 (TL-12) SI: 130 Initiative: 7
Starship Size: Medium Cost: 253.6 MCr (317. MCr without discount)
Model/3 (PP: 42/12) Computer Avionics: Less than 600-ton Sensors: Close Range Communications: Close Range
Cargo: 0.0-tons
Annual Maintenance = 25.36 KCr (12.68 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 6.34 KCr/Month (63.4 KCr per year)

Acceleration: 6-G Agility: 7
Power Plant: TL-12 Fusion (50 EP output, enough fuel for 4 weeks)
Atmospheric Speeds: NOE = 1,175kph Cruising = 3,525kph Maximum = 4,700kph

1x Triple Missile Rack Turret TL-12 (3 missile magazines)
Missile +3 To Hit, 3d6 (18/x1), Range: 90,000km, Ammo: 60 missiles
2x Double Fusion Gun Turret TL-12, +4 To Hit, 4d20 (16/x5), Range: 4,500km

Accomodations & Fittings:
7x Single Occupancy Stateroom (7 People)
1x Airlock

Crew Details:
1x Pilot
3x Engineer
3x Gunner
Since nobody said that the contest was over, and I had another odd idea, here is one more option:

Sucker Punch
The ‘Sucker Punch’ doesn’t really qualify as a ship, although plans can be purchased and it can be constructed at any TL 13 Class B starport in about 8 months for about 60 MCr (in bulk) or leased for 1MCr per month (requires Imperial Navy approval and IN personnel to operate it).

The ‘Sucker Punch’ is a 90 ton cargo module designed to fit in the cargo hold of a standard subsidized merchant – instantly transforming it into a Q-ship. When contacted by the would-be pirates, the Type R responds like any other Type R, shooting, running, surrendering as appropriate to the situation. It is only when the Pirate closes to within 15,000 kilometers that the true nature of the situation becomes apparent – usually before the pirate has a chance to realize what is happening.

When the Pirate ship approaches within strike range, the quick start Fusion Reactors, that have been operating at a trickle of their normal power, cycle up to their full 20 EP and the cargo bay doors open to reveal the business end of a 50 ton UWP 8 spinal mounted Fusion Bay. The Advanced Synaptic Targeting Computer quickly acquires a target and before he knows what is happening, a beam of Fusing Hydrogen Plasma tears through the Pirate ship for 8D20 points of damage. The ‘Sucker Punch’ has enough fuel to continue to fight for up to a week without stop – far longer than the battle will last.

Note that the Sucker Punch can be configured to fire out of any of the cargo doors, buy cannot change which door it fires out without removing the entire module, reconfiguring it for another door, and reinstalling it. From any side but the 'business end', the module appears to be a stack of standard containers - so even an 'insider' at the starport will simply think that the hold is already part full with cargo just passing thru.

Sucker Punch
TL13  Design Specifications     Size Cost(MCr)  EP     Notes
90-ton box (close structure) 	+ 90 	5.4	- 	-
Adv. Syn. Targeting Computer 	- 0.3 	0.03	- 0.3 	-
TL13 Fusion Power Plant 	- 20 	60 	+ 20 	-
Fuel (1 week)			- 5 	- 	- 	-
(1) Fusion Bay			-50 	8 	- 20	1att@USP8
3 Crew Staterooms	 	- 12 	1.5 	- 	-
Cargo			 	- 2.7 	0 	- 	-
Totals			 	   MCr 74.93 	 
				  (MCr 59.9 with 20% discount)
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Atpollard, I designed a similar module once to mount in XTs cargo bay with 3 seperate 100ton PA's It's an interesting way to bend the rules...