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T20 Only: T20 Traveller's Handbook 2002 1e 3rd printing Companion star placement


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Morning PDT all,

T20 THB 2002 1e 3rd printing Chapter 16 Universe/Worlds Development Step 7 Place main world, gas giants, and planetoid belts pp. 373-374.

On p. 374 below the Habitable Zone Table the second entry is for placement of companion stars which, in my opinion, is not as clear as the rules found in CT, MT, TNE, T4, or GURPS Traveller. Of course I'm still trying to figure out portions of the companion placement rules in the other rule sets as well.

My understanding of the THB companion placement rules are:

1. Binary
A. Close Orbit the companion is placed between Orbit 0 and Orbit 1.
B. Far Orbit >= Orbit 20
C. Between Orbits 1 to 19. The next orbit out for a companion in one of the orbits will be empty. Half of any orbits between the companion and the primary will all so be empty.

2. Trinary
A. Far Orbit >= Orbit 20
B. Between Close orbit and Orbit 19. The next orbit out for a companion in one of the orbits will be empty. Half of any orbits between the companion and the primary will all so be empty.

What method is used to determine the companion star's being in a Close Orbit, between Orbits 1-19, or in a Far Orbit?

I'm leaning towards the TNE rules for determining the orbits.

How many orbits past 20 would a companion star be placed?

Do companions stars in far orbits have possible companions themselves?