Adapted from
[See attached PDF]
CREATING CHARACTERS: Think of a name, Age (in years), and history. Roll 2D for STR, DEX, END, INT, EDU, SOC. Choose skills with levels from 0 to 8. Total # of skills, and the total # of levels, is no greater than [Age minus 10]. Buy Cr 100 worth of equipment.
SKILL DIFFICULTIES: Easy=1D, Average=2D, Difficult=3D, etc. +1D for hasty, -1D for cautious.
SKILL ROLLS: Roll difficulty < characteristic + skill level to succeed.
COMBAT: Each character gets to do something each turn. Ranged attacks are at difficulty = range (2D short, 3D medium, 4D long, and so on...). Close attacks are 2D difficulty. Moving while shooting adds 1D to difficulty. A moving target adds 1D to difficulty.
DAMAGE: Subtract armor defense, apply remainder to character's STR, DEX, END. When all three go to zero the character is dead.
NPCs: UPP=777777 plus all needed stuff and skills at level 2. Expert NPCs are created like characters.
[See attached PDF]
CREATING CHARACTERS: Think of a name, Age (in years), and history. Roll 2D for STR, DEX, END, INT, EDU, SOC. Choose skills with levels from 0 to 8. Total # of skills, and the total # of levels, is no greater than [Age minus 10]. Buy Cr 100 worth of equipment.
SKILL DIFFICULTIES: Easy=1D, Average=2D, Difficult=3D, etc. +1D for hasty, -1D for cautious.
SKILL ROLLS: Roll difficulty < characteristic + skill level to succeed.
COMBAT: Each character gets to do something each turn. Ranged attacks are at difficulty = range (2D short, 3D medium, 4D long, and so on...). Close attacks are 2D difficulty. Moving while shooting adds 1D to difficulty. A moving target adds 1D to difficulty.
DAMAGE: Subtract armor defense, apply remainder to character's STR, DEX, END. When all three go to zero the character is dead.
NPCs: UPP=777777 plus all needed stuff and skills at level 2. Expert NPCs are created like characters.
Cr Equipment
45 Backpack (10 small items)
500 Comm (R=8 or 1,000 km) (small)
10 Flashlight (small)
150 Medikit (small)
100 Powercell (small)
2 Rations (small)
150 Toolkit (small)
25 Utility Cord, 50m (small)
1k Low Passage
8k Middle Passage
10k High Passage
KCr Vehicle
60 Air/Raft Enclosed
470 Speeder
Cr Armor AV MAV*
50 Jack 5 5
10k Vacc Suit 10 10
80k Combat Armor 28 15
*MAV = Mongoose Traveller AV
Cr Weapons D6 R MD*
300 Laser Pistol 5 4 3D+3
3k Laser Rifle 7 5 4D+1
50 Knife 2 2D
200 Cutlass 2 2D
50 Spear 2 2D
*MD = Mongoose Traveller damage
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