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[T5Stuff] Draft Sophont Cards


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
Attached are draft sophont cards for non-human major races and some minor races:


  • Aslan
  • Droyne
  • Hiver
  • K'kree
  • Vargr

  • Ael Yael
  • Bwap
  • Shrieker (minor race indigenous to 567-908)

All of these drafts will need updating and refining before they can be official. Also needed is some discussion text about the decision-making process in porting these sophont profiles from CT to T5. But, this is a start.


  • Draft Sophont Cards 2015-08.zip
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  • 1.5 meters tall
  • 50 kilograms
  • forelimbs are wings
  • midlimbs have manipulators
  • third limb group is legs
  • eyesight is slightly better than that of a human
  • Their visual range extends into the infra-red
  • anti-dazzle light-sensitive lens pigmentation [unique]
  • can fly on low gravity, dense atmo worlds

Okay, I can get the body structure from the above, plus vision data, and a good starting point for characteristics.

Since they're Flyers, I would choose Agility for them instead of Dexterity. So they could be Str 2D, Agl 2D, End 2D, which puts them at 60 kg -- close enough to canon to work fine.

Do we know anything about how they learn or think?
How about genders or castes?
How long do they live?
First off, I am focusing on the sophont card data, not writing up the Ael Yael. They have unique features that belong in a writeup; I'm not distilling that here.

1. Checklist (p545)
2. Card (p546)
3. Fillform (p547)

4. Homeworld (p548)

HomeStar: K6 V
Habitable Zone Orbit: 2
Mainworld Orbit: 2
Homeworld SAHPG: 48465
Climate: Temperate

5. Environment (p549)

Native Terrain: Rough Wood (mod -2)
Locomotion: Flyer
Niche/Subniche: Carnivore Pouncer
Breathes: Air-8

6. Characteristics (p550)

Str 2D
Agl 2D
End 2D
Int 2D
Edu 2D
Soc 2D

7. Caste (p551) - NONE, SKIP

8. Gender (p552)

A - Components - Flux (2-4) = -2 = EAB Genders

Gender Table:
2 Egg Donor (E)
3 Activator (A)
4 Bearer (B)
5 flux (3-2=1): B
6 flux (3-4=-1): E
7 flux (6-2=4): A
8 flux (1-5=-4): E
9 flux (3-3=0): A
10 flux (5-2=3): B
11 flux (3-3=0): A
12 flux (4-5=-1): E

Table B. Gender-based Differences

The "E" gender here is the baseline, so I roll Flux for the other two.

I'll note here that JTAS #15 says to subtract 1 from Strength. I think that I'll try simply noting that in the Strength Difference column for the 'E' gender, and use a DM-1 for the other two genders for Strength.

E: Str-1
A: Str-2, End-4, Edu+5
B: Str-4, Agl+3, End-3, Edu+3

Table C. Gender Assignment
flux (1-6=-5) Assigned by family. Assignment is fixed.

9. Life Stages (p553)

Flux for each of the nine life stages.

I'm going to take the "metabolic requirements" from JTAS #15 to imply that their lifespan is shorter than a human's, and apply a heartbreaking DM -2 to nine flux rolls here, one roll per life stage:

(Stage 0 is 1/2 term)
-3: 1 term
+1: 2 terms
+3: 3 terms
-4: 1 term
-3: 1 term
-4: 1 term
-4: 1 term
-6: 0 terms
-2: 1 term

Average lifespan: 11.5 terms = 46 years

10. Senses (p554)

For the senses, except for vision, I will roll for presence first, from table A.
+1 (Hearing), +0 (Smell), -2 (Touch), -1 (Unaware), +3 (Percept)

Eyesight is "slightly better" and "extends into infrared". I'm not going to put flux on the sight roll, then, but infrared leaves a lot to interpretation. Luckily, the vision columns on table B suggest that a K6 V star is likely to produce ACR vision. I'd prefer CRG, but let's go with ACR.

As for vision strength, JTAS #15 gives us a clue: their eyesight is a strategic advantage in a group. If I assume this makes it easier to spot things one range band away, then vision should be at least the baseline (16) plus 3. I'll pick baseline+6, or 16+6=22.

Flux rolls for Hearing are: -3, -1, -2, 0. Consulting table B, that yields C=10, Freq=5, Span=2, Voice=6.

Flux rolls for Smell are: 1, 0, -2. R=3, C=16, Sharp=1.

Flux rolls for Touch are: 5, -2. C=26, Sensi=2.

Flux rolls for Perception are: 3, -1, -1. C=22, Tone=2, Poice=2.

Language Medium is Verbal.

The Racial Scent (Table D) is... well, I will fudge the first three characters as AEL. The last three, randomly, are WUL.

11. Body Structure (p555)

Table A. We already know this, so we can select it from Table A: Bilateral, HBS-T-WL-LN-T.

Table B. We know *some* of this from JTAS #15. Others we'll have to roll on. Note that there's a DM-1 for flyers in this table.

Skeleton: flux is 3-5, DM -1 =-3 = Cartilage interior.
Fluids: flux is 2-2, DM -1 = -1 = Blood.
Skin: flux is 5-5, DM -1 = -1 = Skin (JTAS #15 illo looks like skin, so OK)

Weapon: 6-1, DM-1 = +4 = Spikes. The illustration for JTAS #15 doesn't show things that look like spikes, BUT their feet indicate potential claws. Since my flux roll indicated a weapon, I'll say that the illo does indeed depict usable Claws as weapons.

Manipulators: JTAS #15 specifically states that Ael Yael suffer a DM-2 when using human weapons. Looking at the table on page 557, under the "alien" use column, I see that Graspers and Sockets both offer a -2 disadvantage when using "alien" equipment. The definition for Socket doesn't fit Ael Yael, but Grasper might ("Three or more mutually opposed flaps or digits capable of clamping an object between them.") This adds the interesting fact that Ael Yael manipulators have more than one opposed digit, a useful tidbit. So, Graspers it is.

12. Special Abilities (p556)

JTAS #15 hints that Ael Yael have "special racial talents". This might just be their vision and perception capabilities, but let's see if there's more at work here by rolling flux on "Special Abilities" for the race as a whole, and then for each gender.

Ael Yael talent: flux 2-3=-1 = none.
Gender E talent: flux 4-2=2.
Gender A talent: flux 4-4=0 = none.
Gender B talent: flux 5-1=4.

E and B have talents. Rolling 1D for each yields a 6 and a 4, respectively.

Indexing E's flux roll (+2) with its 1D roll (6) gives it Craftsman.
Indexing B's flux roll (+4) with its 1D roll (4) gives it improved (+2) sense of smell.

Meh. Mildly interesting, but not game-changing. Although I suppose this means finely crafted goods come from the craftscritters on Jaeyelya. That's interesting.

Voice. Rolling flux once and 1D once (+4 and 3) on the Voice table, they speak in "Clicks and Pops", and their "Poice" is "Common". Looking at their illustration in JTAS 15, I can believe the clicks and pops bit.

15. Sophont Size (p559). Their size, as mentioned, is [2+1+2] x 12 = 60. From JTAS, their average weight is 50 kg; this is reasonable, since the Body Form Profile table would let us "slim down" the Ael Yael due to their thin profile.
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I've been perusing my collected Traveller books and have a question.

While robject's Sophont cards are Awesome, why didn't we stick to the established Attribute rolls and modifiers?

If humans are baseline 2D, then why give a K'Kree 4D str instead of the Classic Traveller 2D+6 for example?

I mean no criticism, I'd just like to understand so it will help me make my own Sophonts.

I started a new thread, but was advised to post here.
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While robject's Sophont cards are Awesome, why didn't we stick to the established Attribute rolls and modifiers?

If humans are baseline 2D, then why give a K'Kree 4D str instead of the Classic Traveller 2D+6 for example?

I mean no criticism, I'd just like to understand so it will help me make my own Sophonts.

That's a good question -- and a downside to the cards: I have not collected my Sophont Generation Discussion Notes, which had a couple of useful email exchanges between a few of us about sophonts in Traveller5.

When converting the classic sophonts over, there are two concerns: fidelity to the concept and consistency with the Traveller5 rules -- for example, sophont size, task benchmarks, and so on. In order to get the K'kree to be the right size, the physical characteristics are going to be big -- and Strength is the one that typically ranges higher.

The tougher calls are on Aslan and Vargr. They have things like Strength+1, Dexterity-1, and Endurance+1. I could just port those mods over and be done with it -- and make grognards like DonM less twitchy. Instead, I tried to fill out the card in line with how Traveller5 could generate these sophonts. And even then, in the Vargr's case, I kept the +1, -1 in gender mods, which are NOT possible using T5's system. In other words, in the Vargr's case I ended up satisfying neither system.
Attached are draft sophont cards for the 5 non-human major races, and 1 minor race:

Shrieker (minor race indigenous to 567-908)

All of these drafts will need updating and refining before they can be official. Also needed is some discussion text about the decision-making process in porting these sophont profiles from CT to T5. But, this is a start.

Concerning the Sophont Draft Cards:

K'kree: The K'kree now have a third gender (FMN)? I had thought the K'kree were just FM. Is this a new change from past material?

Also, the K'kree eyesight is in the band BPS. Wouldn't this make it difficult for them to see into the yellow-orange (since those colors have green & red as their primary color components)? They would also see fairly far into the UV-band. Not that this is necessarily wrong, but is that what was intended in terms of "fleshing-out" the K'kree from prior canon?

(Droyne: And does the home star-name of the Droyne, "Sung" appear anywhere else, or is this new info, or is it just a "placeholder" name?)
I've updated the zipfile to include these sophont cards:

Ael Yael
Blank (for new sophonts)
Shrieker (minor race indigenous to 567-908)

@Wayne, those are good questions. Marc made that K'Kree card back in 2009. I don't know anything about the K'Kree, so I have no idea what was in Marc's mind.

I've been trying to view the sophont card files but I keep getting a Not enough memory to open the selected file message (MS Works). Very odd since I don't this problem with any other .doc files. Is there a particular reader needed to view these files?
I've been trying to view the sophont card files but I keep getting a Not enough memory to open the selected file message (MS Works). Very odd since I don't this problem with any other .doc files. Is there a particular reader needed to view these files?

Mmmmm try the free MS Word reader instead. Works might be (?) too incompatible. That said, I think I used LibreOffice to edit these, so there's another option.