Search the TravellerMap for this:
and you will come up with
Kueghakhe (Kharrthon 1619) A200A79-J Hi In Na Va {5} 2Gas Giants 0 Belts F0 V – M7 D VaNa
This is in the M1105 time-frame. It is a legal roll in Traveller5 and is just eleven years Coreward of the Empress Wave. I discovered this result deep in the Coreward Vargr Extents, almost three subsectors from the Coreward frontier. Someone rolled a 6 and then applied the modifiers, using either T5 or some other system that just happens to be T5SS compatible.
If the F0 V star is the stellar primary, then Habitable Zone is in Orbit 5 backed up by the reddish glow of an M7 D dwarf star.
Given the humanocentricity of Traveller, should this result be swept under the rug? I for one, being a proud Vargr player, think that the result, compatible with the T5SS criteria, should be kept. According to DGP and Mongoose mapping, the world system sits in the frontier territory of Urzaeng Vargr sectors. In short, the biggest, dumbest sub-species of Vargr have a Tech Level 18 world.
Let the humanocentric naysayers begin their crusade.
On location in orbit over Kueghakhe, this is the Pakkrat.
The Pakkrat's opinions do not reflect the views of this network or his sponsors. YMMV.
and you will come up with
Kueghakhe (Kharrthon 1619) A200A79-J Hi In Na Va {5} 2Gas Giants 0 Belts F0 V – M7 D VaNa
This is in the M1105 time-frame. It is a legal roll in Traveller5 and is just eleven years Coreward of the Empress Wave. I discovered this result deep in the Coreward Vargr Extents, almost three subsectors from the Coreward frontier. Someone rolled a 6 and then applied the modifiers, using either T5 or some other system that just happens to be T5SS compatible.
If the F0 V star is the stellar primary, then Habitable Zone is in Orbit 5 backed up by the reddish glow of an M7 D dwarf star.
Given the humanocentricity of Traveller, should this result be swept under the rug? I for one, being a proud Vargr player, think that the result, compatible with the T5SS criteria, should be kept. According to DGP and Mongoose mapping, the world system sits in the frontier territory of Urzaeng Vargr sectors. In short, the biggest, dumbest sub-species of Vargr have a Tech Level 18 world.
Let the humanocentric naysayers begin their crusade.
On location in orbit over Kueghakhe, this is the Pakkrat.
The Pakkrat's opinions do not reflect the views of this network or his sponsors. YMMV.