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Tech Level 4/5 Airships and Crews


SOC-14 5K
The following quote comes from Germany's High Sea Fleet In the World War By Admiral Scheer. Admiral Scheer was the commander of the High Sea Fleet from mid-January of1916 to the end of the war, and as such, commanded the Naval Airships that did most of the raiding by Zeppelins of Great Britain during World War One.

Owing to the ever-increasing defensive measures of the enemy the airships at the front were built in two sizes, the types being "L50" and "L 70.
The chief distinctive features of the former [L50] were five motors, each of 260 h.p., and such as could develop sufficient speed even in the highly rarefied atmosphere of the upper strata of the air ; four propellers, all coupled directly to the shafts (the two rear motors are coupled to one propeller); a central gangway, 196.5 m. long; a breadth of 23.9 m. ; a gas capacity of 55,000 cb.m. ; a speed of 30 metres per second (about 110 km. per hour); a load of 38 tons.

Type "L 70 " : Seven motors, each of 260 h.p.; six propellers; central gangway, 21 1.5 m. ; greatest diameter, 23.9 m. ; volume of gas, 62,000 cb.m.; speed, 35 metres per second (equal to 130 km. per hour) ; load, 43 tons.

The "L50 " carried a crew of 21, and "L 70" one of 25, among whom were 1 Commander, 1 Officer of the Watch, 1 Quarter-Master, 1 Chief Artificer-Engineer, 2 men for lifting gear (Yeomen of Signals,) 2 men for the balancing gear (Boatswains), 2 Motormen (stoker petty officers) for each motor, 1 Sailmaker, 1 Petty Officer Telegraphist, and 1 Ordinary Telegraphist for the wireless installation.

They carried two machine-guns, and later on a 2-cm. gun as well. The supply of bombs consisted of incendiary bombs of 11.4 kilo weight, and explosive bombs of 50, 100, and 300 kilos.

The complete copy of the book can be found on archive.org. Search "Germany’s High Sea Fleet in the World War". There are several different ones available for download.
Interesting side note to zeppelins- zeppelin bombing was the macguffin for possibly the first military sci-fi film- Battle in the Clouds 1909.

Bombing of rail and armor vehicles and civilians, aerial attack on the zeps with a plane, and ultimately a guided missile- complete with radio guidance and a joystick.
