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Tech levels


SOC-14 1K
Apropos of nothing, I just yanked this out of my Gateway Domain database. It's the population-weighted average tech levels for systems, broken down by World Allegiance Code:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Akeena Union 10.98
Beree Kanval 8.00
Corporate Republic of Kobe 11.08
Empire of Olduvai 9.06
Farreach Margravate 12.87
Federate Republic 6.18
Federation of Heren 5.68
Free and Holy Federation of Amil 9.63
Galian Federation 9.68
Glimmerdrift Trade Consortium 13.26
Grand Duch of Stoner 13.65
Greater Osaka 11.99
Hiver client 13.68
Hochiken People's Assembly 9.81
Imperial 9.70
Imperial (Domain of Sylea) 12.93
Imperial Client State 12.95
Imperial Ursa world 8.81
Imperial, culturally Luriani world 12.50
Independent 9.35
Kafoe Dominate 11.18
Karhyri Worlds 10.01
Katowice Conquest 10.95
Khuur League 5.23
K'Kree Client 10.95
Lords of Thunder 9.00
Loyal Nineworld Republic 5.94
Maskai Empire 6.62
Megusard Corporate 7.79
Mercantile Concord 10.50
Mische Conglomerate 10.76
Old Worlds 12.81
Oytrip of Tubroyllufotyusk 14.00
Plavian League 9.84
Raidermarch 10.41
Renkard Union 9.85
Swanfei Free Worlds 9.86
Syzlin Republic 10.72
The Reach 9.65
Trindel Confederacy 11.54
Viyard Concourse 9.98</pre>[/QUOTE]The standard imperial worlds in Ley sector are somewhat outshone...