Modifications made to Task System (please use this during course of adventure) - Ref.
Although, OOC commands will be given in the adventure. It is expected that players roll off the boards and role play the results. If a ref ruling is needed then use PM.
This is a modification of the MegaTraveller Task system, whose one and only requisite is to remember the multiples of three: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 21.
Character actions are evaluated through check rolls and Tasks. Check rolls are simply rolls against a given attribute, e.g. Dexterity. Tasks involve generally one skill and one attribute.
Difficulty, Skill, Attribute, (Time increment)
2D6+Skill+(Attribute/3) >= (Difficulty)
(Round fractions down)
Maximum allowed DM: +10
Time: (3D-DMs) x (Time increment)
Difficulty Code Roll
Easy 6+
Average 9+
Difficult 12+
Formidable 15+
Staggering 18+
Impossible 21+
There is a 3:1 relation ship between skills and attributes, which gives more DMs than in other systems, but the difficulty levels are consequently a bit higher. Average and Difficult tasks are roughly equivalent to Routine and Difficult tasks in MT, while an MT formidable Task would be between Formidable and Staggering in this system.
Since the difficulties advance in +3 increments, it does not make much sense under this system to give special DMs in excess of +1. Anything yielding a DM in excess of +1/-1 should be better thought as decreasing or increasing the difficulty level.
Note: Average characters have a DM of +2 from a level-7 attribute, which explains Average being 9+.
Spectacular Success: When the actual roll makes the next difficulty level (i.e. exceeds the required level by 3+). Example: Rolling 12+ in an Average task.
Spectacular Failure: When the actual roll does NOT make the previous difficulty level (i.e. fails by 4+). Can give rise to a 2D mishap. Example: Not rolling 6+ in an Average task.
Marginal success: If the roll equals the required level exactly. Example: Rolling exactly 9 in an Average task.
Fumble: An exact roll of 2 is always a failure, regardless of DMs. Can give rise to a 3D mishap.
Hazardous tasks: Failure implies automatic 3D mishap.
Uncertain tasks: Both the referee and the player roll the task. Total Truth: Both succeed. Some Truth: One succeeds. No truth: None succeeds. On PBEM: Uncertain means purely In-Character results, no rules explanation.
Hasty tasks: Halve the time increment, increase difficulty one level.
Cautious tasks: Double the time increment, decrease difficulty one level.
Confrontation tasks: The acting character provides positive ("offensive") DMs, the reacting one provides negative ("defensive") ones.
Retrying failed tasks: If a second try is possible, difficulty is increase one level. If the character has JOT, difficulty remains the same. Each level of JOT allows one retry without increase in the difficulty level. Sometimes, a Determination roll is required before retrying.
Determination roll: Roll against (End+Int)/2.
Alternative: Treat as a task of the appropriate difficulty, DMs (End+Int)/3.
Mishaps: Whenever a Mishap occurs, the player rolls in the following table:
Mishap table (2D or 3D)
2 Reroll
3+ No damage
6+ Superficial (e.g. 1 hit)
9+ Minor (e.g. 2 hits)
12+ Major (e.g. 4 hits)
15+ Really serious (e.g. 8 hits)
18+ Destroyed (e.g. 16 hits)