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Technical Details on the LARP

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Which would be more appropriate in description of the Pride?





I am also working on doing Common or Standard areas for the Deckplan, rather than doing huge plans (16,000 staterooms is a LOT of cutting and pasting!) A typical Sickbay, MedLab, Stateroom Blocks, Vehicle hangers, etc. That sort of thing.

Also, what sort of craft does she carry? Can I design that kind of stuff to with GM help? Any Pointers?
To Clarify, Frank's holorecorder is (was?) a very small device on his Chest Computer. most everything comes off of his "bandolier" that he wears around his "neck"

Question: Is the Camera fixable, or is it totally smashed?
Roll a Task roll and role play the results for Frank's Holocamera.

Difficult, Electronics, Mechanical 5hrs
Frank will repair his holocorder later, but If Frank comes across one in his moves he can use, he will take it. Hivers normally document everything, so it is sort of like losing a sense to him.
Modifications made to Task System (please use this during course of adventure) - Ref.

Although, OOC commands will be given in the adventure. It is expected that players roll off the boards and role play the results. If a ref ruling is needed then use PM.

The 3-Task System
This is a modification of the MegaTraveller Task system, whose one and only requisite is to remember the multiples of three: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 21.

Character actions are evaluated through check rolls and Tasks. Check rolls are simply rolls against a given attribute, e.g. Dexterity. Tasks involve generally one skill and one attribute.

Difficulty, Skill, Attribute, (Time increment)
2D6+Skill+(Attribute/3) >= (Difficulty)
(Round fractions down)
Maximum allowed DM: +10
Time: (3D-DMs) x (Time increment)

Difficulty Code Roll
Easy 6+
Average 9+
Difficult 12+
Formidable 15+
Staggering 18+
Impossible 21+

There is a 3:1 relation ship between skills and attributes, which gives more DMs than in other systems, but the difficulty levels are consequently a bit higher. Average and Difficult tasks are roughly equivalent to Routine and Difficult tasks in MT, while an MT formidable Task would be between Formidable and Staggering in this system.

Since the difficulties advance in +3 increments, it does not make much sense under this system to give special DMs in excess of +1. Anything yielding a DM in excess of +1/-1 should be better thought as decreasing or increasing the difficulty level.

Note: Average characters have a DM of +2 from a level-7 attribute, which explains Average being 9+.

Spectacular Success: When the actual roll makes the next difficulty level (i.e. exceeds the required level by 3+). Example: Rolling 12+ in an Average task.

Spectacular Failure: When the actual roll does NOT make the previous difficulty level (i.e. fails by 4+). Can give rise to a 2D mishap. Example: Not rolling 6+ in an Average task.

Marginal success: If the roll equals the required level exactly. Example: Rolling exactly 9 in an Average task.

Fumble: An exact roll of 2 is always a failure, regardless of DMs. Can give rise to a 3D mishap.

Hazardous tasks: Failure implies automatic 3D mishap.

Uncertain tasks: Both the referee and the player roll the task. Total Truth: Both succeed. Some Truth: One succeeds. No truth: None succeeds. On PBEM: Uncertain means purely In-Character results, no rules explanation.

Hasty tasks: Halve the time increment, increase difficulty one level.

Cautious tasks: Double the time increment, decrease difficulty one level.
Confrontation tasks: The acting character provides positive ("offensive") DMs, the reacting one provides negative ("defensive") ones.

Retrying failed tasks: If a second try is possible, difficulty is increase one level. If the character has JOT, difficulty remains the same. Each level of JOT allows one retry without increase in the difficulty level. Sometimes, a Determination roll is required before retrying.
Determination roll: Roll against (End+Int)/2.

Alternative: Treat as a task of the appropriate difficulty, DMs (End+Int)/3.

Mishaps: Whenever a Mishap occurs, the player rolls in the following table:

Mishap table (2D or 3D)
2 Reroll
3+ No damage
6+ Superficial (e.g. 1 hit)
9+ Minor (e.g. 2 hits)
12+ Major (e.g. 4 hits)
15+ Really serious (e.g. 8 hits)
18+ Destroyed (e.g. 16 hits)
Library Data

Green Spiders: A notorious pirate band operating throughout the Foreven Sector. They are mostly high profile thieves who wish to constantly gain celebrity and fame by pulling the most outrageous heists and daring raids often right under the noises of officials. Because, they make the havens in poor rundown worlds and spend lavishly often fencing goods at a fraction their original price they are very popular amongst the local populations.

Silence is also bought with a strict death code. If anyone is found to snitch on the pirate band, that person's entire family will be systematically hunted down and strangled with their own entrails with a green spider tattooed to their forehead. Often it is a local noble who has abused his privileges gets a representative tarring down in this manner making them ever popular and feared with plebeian classes.

Ref notes: It is rumoured that the pirate band actually holds a letter of marque from the Third Imperium with the purpose of harrying shipping within the Avalon Consulate.
Ok, what other corridor? I thought the scout ship was falling apart? I have to go with normal hiver reactions, of which running from trouble is a big one. This game needs maps! Am I out of the game?
Roll Results

Apply the damage rolls, I already rolled to hit:

You requested that 1 roll of a 12-sided die be rolled. The total for each roll has 1 added to it.

Roll them bones ... your dice are

Roll 1: 12.

You requested that 1 roll of 12 6-sided dice be rolled.

Roll them bones ... your dice are

Roll 6: 4, 6, 6, 3, 3, 6, 4, 6, 6, 5, 3, 4 = 56.

Thanks to online dice roller located, http://www.irony.com/igroll.html

An aside

If death has occurred you may generate another character.

Agreed, that maps would be an aid but this was a standard Scoutship, reproduced in hundreds of publications. Plus, you never asked any questions...either through PM (preferred method) or the board.

You also went for the easiest escape route despite the way being blocked. The lasers pointed at you should have given sufficient warning.

Sorry. But, if we don't keep this "real" they we are merely shooting the breeze.
I wasn't to clear on where I was supposed to go. It looked like to me that they were behind us then blocking us.

Also, where are we supposed to go in the ship after being given odds of 8 billion to 1 against
That the ship will stay together? That gave me the impression that to retreat into the ship would be death.
My PCs are dead. Eventually, I shall create new ones, and after a PMed discussion with our Ref may be returning to the game.
Is the sense that I am getting that you two want a second chance?

If so, what I would need is a really convincing argument via PM. {First PM each other to get one story straight and then one of submit your petition complete with how the storyline would have to be altered to accomodate "the change in history".}

I am usually quite mean, but I guess old age has softened me a bit. Traveller is a game of deadly and absolute combat. Heroics aside, the type of play that I am used to personifies this.

Notwithstanding, I will really compelling argument and a sacrifice or two.

As it seems that you were taking the Death Wish oath more than a couple of times...
Actually, I was going to ask if I could bring in an entirely new character - I think you're right about the death wish thing. Let's discuss it via PM.
Ok, a recap…

The rules of this game follow loosely a modified MT task system, outlined in an earlier part of this thread.

Save they will be written out in CAPS whenever they appear. Players are expected to roll off the game screen using either an online die roller or their own dice (crooked dice will be severely punished by unilateral action by the Referee).

Combat follows CT rules. Otherwise, don’t draw a sword or argue with a gun, unless there are no other alternatives. As it means quick and deadly death. Disputes between player characters will be resolved by the Referee Only. Many situations require brain over brawn.

I have opted for a “Take 20 rule” lifted from the D20 rules. This will allow a total of 3 miracles per character/group of characters. If a player finds themselves in a life threatening or dying situation.

They must undertake the following steps to avoid deadly peril…

  • [1.] Inform the Referee that they wish to use the Take 20 rule by inserting the following phrase: “I guess there only X ways to skin a Cat…” X being the number of “lives” that you have left.</font>

  • [2.] Provide a reasonable explanation to the Ref. how you would want to see the situation resolve itself (it will be up to the Ref. to decide whether or not to adopt the reason or not). The Ref. still retains the right to kill a particular character, if the player has been abusing power. This communication is to be done via PERSONAL MESSAGE, not on the Open Boards.</font>

  • [3.] In the PERSONAL MESSAGE, there should be something given up as a sacrifice, as a token of goodwill between the Ref, other players and reflecting the enormity of the cosmic change of the timelines.</font>

  • [4.] Player must continue to play with this handicap throughout the gaming session.</font>

  • [5.] Player will note on his/her character sheet the number of lives life.</font>
Comments, questions, don't hesitate to PM.
I have created a new character (who, if killed will be my last). Once the Referee makes the introduction...
It's time for vengance... Hiver Style! That security guy and the Spider Controllers are goin' down!

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