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Terran Praesidium Playtesters Openings

bryan gibson

Absent Friend
I will be reopening my IRC game, and have ten slots for IRC Roleplay goodness. If interested, post here or to my address.(sabakakrazny@hotmail.com) The game night is not yet determined, but will most likely be either Friday or Saturdy, pending players schedules

The site is http://groups.msn.com/TerranPraesidium

I have several other playtest positions open as well:

There are limited slots for evaluators: All of the current team members holding their places, of course. Evaluation positions are not automatic, and are based on experience and approval.

Playtest evaluators will be considered those who read the material, offer critique and constructive commentary. It is presumed that they will be prepared to do so in an informed fashion, will readily and reliably post to the boards on the website and follow revisions, and maintain an active presence via boards and email. Those who do not will be dropped if their activity drops below an acceptable level.
Responses to the boards and interaction on the boards between evaluators is encouraged and expected, and all evaluators are expected to conform to basic courtesy.

Preference will be shown to evaluators who are presenting materials to an active group.

There are six slots for evaluators presenting game material to a group for group playtests. To qualify, they are expected to read the material, offer critique and constructive commentary. It is presumed that they will be prepared to do so in an informed fashion, will readily and reliably post to the boards and follow revisions, and they will be expected to not only present the materials to a gaming group but to provide reliable and regular feedback from their group. Obviously, theirs is a difficult job!

Especially of interest will be how the setting is presented in a variety of GMing styles.

There are limited ( ten slots) opening for gameplayers , which will be presented via IRC. While the slots are limited, anyone in the playtest overall may lurk and are encouraged to do so, especailly as it will provide insight as to the core setting.

All evaluators and gameplayers are required to register to the homesite, and will need an MSN passport. Its free, and so is the site access, although memebership is approval based. Simply join at the site, and I will approve the application once I've had a chance to sound out the person applying.
I've had a look around your site but can find no clear information on what rules you are using (there are some MegaTraveller gifs, but that could be assuming too much), nore what time zone you are in. That info. might be there, but it's not obvious to me.
the IRC game will be using CT-MT rules.
The playtesters that are presentinng the reulessset to theoir grioup can use whatever rules set trhey want
I myself am in the eastern timezone, but for the IRC thats proven irrelevent- a notorious nighjt owl, I adjust to the players mutually agreed time - I have had players in my game from all three zones in the US, Germany, and one in Australia, all playinmg at the same time, so my personal time zone hasn't really ben an issue so far.

As you are in england, assuming you can meet us, I will coordinate to accomodate.Now, as to what that translates to, in terms of the GMT, I have no clue. But we usually fired up between 7pm and 9pm my time - I expect that will hold true here. But I have run game fpor one group ( europeans , mostly, two brits and a fellow in germany and a pair of insomniacs here in the US) at 3 in the AM my time upon occasion and would not be averse to doing so again had I suffiecient players to justify it.

A helpful link;


I'm not at all clear on what you mean by, "The playtesters that are presentinng the reulessset to theoir grioup can use whatever rules set trhey want" even after translating the typos ;)

If you're using CT-MT rules, what's to test? If you're testing house rules, who's? You say the playtesters are presenting rulesets to their groups. What groups would that be? Surely they are in your group if you're the GM? I must be clueless :(
the idea is to playtest the setting which is systemless. Naturtally, the idea is to get feeback on how dynamic the setting is, how well the systems mesh, and so on.

Sorry about the typings, bad typing day.

If you're using CT-MT rules, what's to test? If you're testing house rules, who's? You say the playtesters are presenting rulesets to their groups. What groups would that be? Surely they are in your group if you're the GM? I must be clueless

They aren't in my group,the playtesters have their own groups, which they present the settings to.
Setting vs Ruleset.

It sounds like Bryan is looking for two seperate groups of playtesters.

Group 1: Bryan running the game(s) via IRC. Using CT rules. Using TP setting.

Group 2: GM's running the TP setting via any traveller (or other) ruleset.

The setting is non-ruleset specific, much like the OTU, it can be run using any of CT, CT+, MT, TNE, T20 or other.