Hi everyone,
Sorry I've dropped off the face of the Earth lately, but things have been busy. Here's the scoop on the problems finding the book:
Basically, the big chains (Borders and B&N) vastly, vastly under-ordered the book... despite the fact that they promised they wouldn't and encouraged us to encourage you all to go to them for the book! Distribution networks are regional, which means there have been a tiny number of books to fill a huge amount of orders.
Reorders are underway. The book is in print and lots of copies remain at the warehouse. However, there's a bit of a bottleneck which is slowing things down- the big distributors only re-order once a month.
As for Amazon... we're still trying to figure out what happened with them.
If you don't want to wait any longer, Morrigan Press now has copies in stock and you can order from them directly, with special super-low shipping costs for North America!
Another thing you might try is your local indy bookseller, since their distributors didn't under-order...
In any case, it's been frustrating for me as well... my book has been out for weeks and I haven't seen a copy yet!
We offer our sincere apologies and thank you all who have waited so patiently. It's coming, we promise.