The Alternate Traveller Universe based on the work of Larsen Whipsnade from the TML;
Having found his work to be just what I had been looking for as an alternative to the really, really stupid (IMO) Virus and Hard Times timelines, this work is very refreshing. Taking from it, I propose the following:
Campaign Year: 1138
Emperor Strephon is in his last few years on the Iridium throne, he has two new heirs: Avery and Arbellatra. Avery is the oldest, with Arbellatra a year younger. Both have been raised with duty to the Imperium as their primary goals. Both agree with and want to continue the Strephonic reforms. Both are clone from Iolanthe's genetic material left behind.
The Moot and New Moots
The Imperial Moot is in some ways stronger than before, and in others weaker since Nobles remain for five years and then must be replaced. Under the new rules the local or New Moots vote to send a candidate per subsector to represent them in the Imperial Moot.
In each Subsector, the New Moots are comprised of Two Senators from each world with a population of 5 (100,000’s) or better, with the High Population worlds getting Three Senators. Also the Subsector Duke gets a seat, along with each Count. This balances the ranks of the worlds vs. those of the Nobles. Also the Moot shall approve each Noble heir’s assumption of his or her title subject to Imperial Archducal veto. This way the incompetent, corrupt, inept can be prevented from gaining power. The Subsector Duke acts as the “Prime Minister” or head of the Moot. Corrupt or incompetent Nobles can be impeached by the Moot, and removed by the Archduke with right of final appeal to the Emperor.
The Aslan Ihatei have been coopted as defacto members of the Imperial military by settling large numbers along the Vargr borders. Also the fleet dispatcher has been challenged to a duel, which the Imperium won. By treaty he now sends the Ihatei to the rimward portions of known space. Many Aslan were either domiciled on low population worlds or made Imperial citizens, or exiled from Imperial space.
The Vargr have been kicked out of Imperial space and a border zone ten parsecs wide has been formed along the Imperial pre war borders. The worlds in this area are vigorously patrolled by Imperial forces to pre-empt corsairs, and pirate bands from gaining a foothold. The Vargr Governments have been co-opted by the New Archduke of the Vargr Frontier Bzrk. He has command of all forces along the border, and is in charge of the peaceful stabilization of the frontier.
The Solomani were decisively beaten and the pre-war borders retaken. Then a ten to twelve parsec border zone implemented with small independent client states. The Solomani were forced to sign a peace treaty officially ending the war, and renouncing the idea of the conquest of Terra. Imperial forces patrol the border zone, as do the Solomani. But by treaty neither side is allowed to incorporate worlds in that region.
Xboat Routes
The new X courier system uses Jump 6 vessels along the most logical paths with the older J-4 X-Boats radiating from these hubs, and J-2 Scout/Couriers filling in along the rest of the worlds. The system is designed for maximum transport speed of information. The Islands Subsectors have been taken over by the Imperium and several deep space refueling stations have been placed to maximize the speed of the couriers. Also the use of Jump torpedoes is increasing.
Jump Technology
Strephon has pushed the increase in the number of research stations; especially those involved in the improving of jump technology.
Strephon has enacted several diplomatic initiatives to attempt to peacefully bring the Julian Federation into the Imperium, along with some of the smaller border worlds. He has allayed fears on the part of the Zhodani that the Imperium
Having found his work to be just what I had been looking for as an alternative to the really, really stupid (IMO) Virus and Hard Times timelines, this work is very refreshing. Taking from it, I propose the following:
Campaign Year: 1138
Emperor Strephon is in his last few years on the Iridium throne, he has two new heirs: Avery and Arbellatra. Avery is the oldest, with Arbellatra a year younger. Both have been raised with duty to the Imperium as their primary goals. Both agree with and want to continue the Strephonic reforms. Both are clone from Iolanthe's genetic material left behind.
The Moot and New Moots
The Imperial Moot is in some ways stronger than before, and in others weaker since Nobles remain for five years and then must be replaced. Under the new rules the local or New Moots vote to send a candidate per subsector to represent them in the Imperial Moot.
In each Subsector, the New Moots are comprised of Two Senators from each world with a population of 5 (100,000’s) or better, with the High Population worlds getting Three Senators. Also the Subsector Duke gets a seat, along with each Count. This balances the ranks of the worlds vs. those of the Nobles. Also the Moot shall approve each Noble heir’s assumption of his or her title subject to Imperial Archducal veto. This way the incompetent, corrupt, inept can be prevented from gaining power. The Subsector Duke acts as the “Prime Minister” or head of the Moot. Corrupt or incompetent Nobles can be impeached by the Moot, and removed by the Archduke with right of final appeal to the Emperor.
The Aslan Ihatei have been coopted as defacto members of the Imperial military by settling large numbers along the Vargr borders. Also the fleet dispatcher has been challenged to a duel, which the Imperium won. By treaty he now sends the Ihatei to the rimward portions of known space. Many Aslan were either domiciled on low population worlds or made Imperial citizens, or exiled from Imperial space.
The Vargr have been kicked out of Imperial space and a border zone ten parsecs wide has been formed along the Imperial pre war borders. The worlds in this area are vigorously patrolled by Imperial forces to pre-empt corsairs, and pirate bands from gaining a foothold. The Vargr Governments have been co-opted by the New Archduke of the Vargr Frontier Bzrk. He has command of all forces along the border, and is in charge of the peaceful stabilization of the frontier.
The Solomani were decisively beaten and the pre-war borders retaken. Then a ten to twelve parsec border zone implemented with small independent client states. The Solomani were forced to sign a peace treaty officially ending the war, and renouncing the idea of the conquest of Terra. Imperial forces patrol the border zone, as do the Solomani. But by treaty neither side is allowed to incorporate worlds in that region.
Xboat Routes
The new X courier system uses Jump 6 vessels along the most logical paths with the older J-4 X-Boats radiating from these hubs, and J-2 Scout/Couriers filling in along the rest of the worlds. The system is designed for maximum transport speed of information. The Islands Subsectors have been taken over by the Imperium and several deep space refueling stations have been placed to maximize the speed of the couriers. Also the use of Jump torpedoes is increasing.
Jump Technology
Strephon has pushed the increase in the number of research stations; especially those involved in the improving of jump technology.
Strephon has enacted several diplomatic initiatives to attempt to peacefully bring the Julian Federation into the Imperium, along with some of the smaller border worlds. He has allayed fears on the part of the Zhodani that the Imperium