I am by no means an expert on the canon, but I'll throw in my two cents on the Aslan Ihatei, since I'm building my own campaign in 1116 in Tobia, right where the paradox of power centers. One thing hasn't been explored by the various posters here, and it is the centerpiece of my campaign. It also seems to fit, though it might be contradicted by a part of canon I haven't read. Here goes.
Revolutions fit one of two models: either a power vaccuum already exists in the seat of power, and the rebellion occurs once the vaccuum is made apparent (French Revolution, American Revolution, Gandhi) or it is a battle from the periphery (Chinese Communists, most Eastern revolutions). My theory is that the extreme edges of the Imperium would already have been rotted through with dissent by the time the assassination ignited the powder keg. Looking specifically at Tobia, there are a number of very democratic worlds all around it, especially to trailing in Reft. If democratic (home rule) agitation reached dramatic proportions, one could see tax rebellions (no taxation without representation) springing up, and failures of payment to Imperial troops. The colonial navy could be subject to strikes by its (local) recruits. Then, into this volatile mix, the emperor is killed and a succession war begins. It could have been anything. The local planets (the tax rebels) join together in a mutual defense league (the imperial navy is completely unable to restrain the pirates from Theev and elsewhere IMTU). Tobia is isolated, paralyzed. The population is ready to overrun the Imperial power bases to gain democracy, fired by offworld agitators. The subsector duke pulls his forces in to protect himself. There is now open conflict in the most powerful part of the Trojan Reaches. Suddenly, the Aslan. Swarms of them, in ramshackle fleets. Willing to fight for land. Rather than being coopted by the Imperium, they are hired by the rebels. Smaller systems are swarmed in the course of the battles between democratic factions, Imperial factions, reformist Imperial factions, and anti-aslan factions. Tobia remains isolated in a sea of Aslan, with all non-aslan trade disappearing. There is no single group of Aslan for the capital ships to focus upon, just a demographic landslide.
That's how the Ihatei could overwhelm a powerful Imperial outpost like Tobia in exactly the way OTU describes. As long as the dissatisfaction already exists in the far-flung province.
Revolutions fit one of two models: either a power vaccuum already exists in the seat of power, and the rebellion occurs once the vaccuum is made apparent (French Revolution, American Revolution, Gandhi) or it is a battle from the periphery (Chinese Communists, most Eastern revolutions). My theory is that the extreme edges of the Imperium would already have been rotted through with dissent by the time the assassination ignited the powder keg. Looking specifically at Tobia, there are a number of very democratic worlds all around it, especially to trailing in Reft. If democratic (home rule) agitation reached dramatic proportions, one could see tax rebellions (no taxation without representation) springing up, and failures of payment to Imperial troops. The colonial navy could be subject to strikes by its (local) recruits. Then, into this volatile mix, the emperor is killed and a succession war begins. It could have been anything. The local planets (the tax rebels) join together in a mutual defense league (the imperial navy is completely unable to restrain the pirates from Theev and elsewhere IMTU). Tobia is isolated, paralyzed. The population is ready to overrun the Imperial power bases to gain democracy, fired by offworld agitators. The subsector duke pulls his forces in to protect himself. There is now open conflict in the most powerful part of the Trojan Reaches. Suddenly, the Aslan. Swarms of them, in ramshackle fleets. Willing to fight for land. Rather than being coopted by the Imperium, they are hired by the rebels. Smaller systems are swarmed in the course of the battles between democratic factions, Imperial factions, reformist Imperial factions, and anti-aslan factions. Tobia remains isolated in a sea of Aslan, with all non-aslan trade disappearing. There is no single group of Aslan for the capital ships to focus upon, just a demographic landslide.
That's how the Ihatei could overwhelm a powerful Imperial outpost like Tobia in exactly the way OTU describes. As long as the dissatisfaction already exists in the far-flung province.