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The Amedon


Admin Award
I've been working on some MT Rebellion stuff and started looking into Strephon's cruiser Amedon. Here are some of my thoughts:

  • Even though it is called his 'cruiser' it is actually dreadnought size - 250,000 Mtons.
  • It's jump-6 capable.
  • It's at least TL 16 (Third Imperium max)
  • It has a recovered Ancients White Globe generator

So, could the ship include some TL 17 stuff? Could the ship be entirely TL 17? We're talking the best from 10,000 worlds.

My assumption is that shortly after taking the throne, Lucan begins looking for the Amedon to use as his personal starship. After several weeks to a few months, he is able to dig up that the Amedon did not in fact go to Depot/Core but instead was headed to Depot/Lishun with Strephon aboard. This is part of the explaination why Lucan can't wipe Dulinor off the map with superior forces. He is using some of his resources to track down and destroy Strephon. He would prefer to capture the Amedon, but he must destroy Strephon before he can retake the throne.

Even at TL 16, the Amedon is the best the Third Imperium has to offer in terms of technology and crew. The best of the best. With it's technological advantage (TL 16 is just a little better than TL 15) and it's White Globe, it is capable of surviving almost any engagement and with time could win most.

But can the Imperium pull together an entire TL 17 ship by 1116? (note I'm using MT rules). Better jump fuel efficiency. Disintegrator spinal mount. Anti-Matter power plant. Improved Hull Armor. It's just fun the think about the possibilities.
Of course, most of those technological marvels will be quite useful, but about the disintegrator spinal, using MT rules (not sure if it exists in any other ones), it's by sure not one of them, as in MT it is not a deal...

See this old post of mine about why i say this.