Originally posted by Blue Ghost:
Some ex-military friends of mine tell me that the M-16 (and its cousins and derrivatives) are far more accurate than their Warsaw Pact counterparts. I keep hearing stories of how inaccurate the Kalashnikovs are, but how incredibly reliable they can be (stories of them being tossed in mud, snow, sand, dust, what have you, and still being able to rattle off a mag). That verse the M-16 family which is highly accurate (or so I've been told), but, at one point (notably during Vietnam) had a tendency to jam because of the tight fitting firing chamber. The AK-47 had more "slop" and therefore can be fired without too much maintenance, where the M-16 needs more care but is more reliable when it comes to hitting the target.
How true is that? And how would that fit in a Traveller framework?
Smart-rounds; some ten to fifteen years ago I saw an article in Popular Mechanics about a naval round that was outfitted with side jets. So that after it was fired it could fire microbursts from its side (while spinning) to alter its trjectory. My first thought was how such a round might be used in a sidearm.