bryan gibson
Absent Friend
he is correct...the M16s earlier issues were a lack of chromed barrel/chamber, which allows for fouling in such huimid/wet environs, and a congenital weakness in the butstock in the earlier designs, all since ably cured. The M4/M16 family is now a fine weapon, although its all relative- after all, it IS an assault rifle, and not a battlerifle. Therefore, accuracy is inheirent in its design- realistically, 3-5 hundred meters. There are superior shots who do better, but as a rule in the combat arena, this is about right.
Battlerifles (m14/G3/FN-FAL) are a completely different kettle of fish, and are another matter completely in such criteria.
And , yes, at least in MY experience ( there are those who likely disagree), while there are more accurate assault rifles, I know of very few that would dispute the AKs supremacy in reliablity and ruggednsss. Its virtue is that it IS adequate to the task ballistically, and IMHO, gimme a gun that ALWAYS works as opposed to a tempernetal accurate one every time.If the enemy is so far away I can't hit him with an assault rifle, I have no buisness shooting at him, any more than a carpenter drives screws with a hammer-it's a question of the tool.
Battlerifles (m14/G3/FN-FAL) are a completely different kettle of fish, and are another matter completely in such criteria.
And , yes, at least in MY experience ( there are those who likely disagree), while there are more accurate assault rifles, I know of very few that would dispute the AKs supremacy in reliablity and ruggednsss. Its virtue is that it IS adequate to the task ballistically, and IMHO, gimme a gun that ALWAYS works as opposed to a tempernetal accurate one every time.If the enemy is so far away I can't hit him with an assault rifle, I have no buisness shooting at him, any more than a carpenter drives screws with a hammer-it's a question of the tool.