So, I unleashed the Traveller RPG on my group tonight using the rules outlined in Starter Traveller (I just got my copy of MgT tonight and had not read it, so I could not unleash that beast.) I was amazed by a couple of things.
A) Each character sheet fit onto a 3x5 card.
B) Despite the so called "randomness" of traveller chargen, my group wanted to be brothers in arms in my "Colonial Marines", and followed the same military path (besides one who was drafted into Scout service).
C) I feel the need to tell others of this great session!
The thing that really threw me off guard was the fact that my group wanted to play out their (second) term. I was not quite sure what to do considering one of the group failed marine enlistment and was drafted into the scouts.
I came up with a simple battle between them and the planetary rebellion forces they were up against. The scout gentleman I ruled was a conscripted ship captain from another system that was sympathetic (i.e. paid by their cause). All of them survived the battle, however I decided that since the small rebellion was crushed they would be released from duty. I decided to give the Marines a Veteran's bonus of 10,000Cr plus four mustering out benefits. They served in a pinnacle battle of their homeworld and none of them were given a commission, but I felt they should get something extra despite their enlisted status.
The scout conscript got to keep his ship, and gave the grunts an offer to explore the subsector, promising them riches along the way. They all happily agreed as the current government on their homeworld was becoming increasingly non-secular... even though they had fought for the very same government.
A) Each character sheet fit onto a 3x5 card.
B) Despite the so called "randomness" of traveller chargen, my group wanted to be brothers in arms in my "Colonial Marines", and followed the same military path (besides one who was drafted into Scout service).
C) I feel the need to tell others of this great session!
The thing that really threw me off guard was the fact that my group wanted to play out their (second) term. I was not quite sure what to do considering one of the group failed marine enlistment and was drafted into the scouts.
I came up with a simple battle between them and the planetary rebellion forces they were up against. The scout gentleman I ruled was a conscripted ship captain from another system that was sympathetic (i.e. paid by their cause). All of them survived the battle, however I decided that since the small rebellion was crushed they would be released from duty. I decided to give the Marines a Veteran's bonus of 10,000Cr plus four mustering out benefits. They served in a pinnacle battle of their homeworld and none of them were given a commission, but I felt they should get something extra despite their enlisted status.
The scout conscript got to keep his ship, and gave the grunts an offer to explore the subsector, promising them riches along the way. They all happily agreed as the current government on their homeworld was becoming increasingly non-secular... even though they had fought for the very same government.