Here's an example of a combat round using the rules I have outlined above.
Dexter: INT-B, Morale-B DEX-6.
Russlin: INT-A, Morale-3, DEX-2.
Terran: INT-A, Morale-9, DEX-C.
Klue: INT-E, Morale-5, DEX-A.
We're starting a combat round with these four characters.
We throw for initiative:
Dexter ... Throw 6 (-1 for INT). Initiative 5.
Russlin ... Throw 10 (-1 for INT, +10 for Morale). Initiave 19.
Terran ... Throw 9 (-1 for INT). Initiative 8.
Klue ... Throw 5 (-1 for INT). Initiative 4.
EDIT: As noted later in this thread, I made a mistake in that Extra Action checks are made against END score, not the DEX score.