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The Emerald Monarch


The Emerald Monarch - 400dton Frontier Merchant

Since this forum has been opened, I thought I would post a shot from my work in progress Traveller movie. The ship is a Lightning Class 400dton Frontier Merchant, from the GURPS Traveller: Interstellar Wars.

I've also added a little bit of history to the ship in the description.

I want to say thanks to Jesse DeGraff who gave me the information to get the ships proportions correct. :)

Stay tuned for the completed movie.
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Thanks, I'm really looking forward to having it finished as I've been working on it for a while now. The modelling for the movie is complete, and I'm now working on setting up the shots, so it's not too far away.

It's just a hobby project, but I hope people will like it.
Lookin' good, Ronnke!

Inside & out? Ooo, I wanna' see :) When I worked on the Lightning for the book, I'd planned to do a JTAS article titled "Ride the Lightning" with a full visual tour inside and out of the ship, but I never got around to it :\
Those interested in Traveller astro-geography.

The planet is Nusku, which orbits the star 61 Cygni A, and seen in the distance is the binary systems secondary star, 61 Cygni B.
I'm starting to put together some of the battle scenes for a trailer. Here is a new test video.

The explosions are still missing and there is next to no post processing done, but it will be added as soon as I have decided on the desired look.

I'm pretty pleased with the result.

Looks great... in fact, a (first) salvo of missiles that don't result in much (except kinetic energy transfer - the 'impacts' are sweet) is pretty cool.
Love the camera shake when the missiles hit - must remember to steal that :)

Not sure about the camera move as the missiles launch, though; just a straight pan would be better.
Love the camera shake when the missiles hit - must remember to steal that :)

Not sure about the camera move as the missiles launch, though; just a straight pan would be better.

The shot started out as a straight pan, but when it cuts to the impacts, the flow just didn't work. So to better follow the 30deg rule and give the shot a little more energy, the camera does it's exaggerated anime like movement.

Follow the below links to see the completed shot, Vimeo tends to be better quality.

Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/29709214
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnb6V_RO9a8